SpongeBob Squarepants

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                             Chapter Two
                    SpongeBob Squarepants

By the time we woke up the next morning, mum had already left for work. Which left me in charge of


I was normally late for school so I didn't really have time to eat breakfast, and mum was usually home on weekends. But today she was covering for her friend that came down with the flu last night. 

I wasn't really good at making meals. I preferred making desserts. Seeing as how I worked at the local Beckton Bakery. 

"What's for breakfast this fine Saturday morning girls?" I asked cheerfully scanning through the cupboards. 

Lena and Kara's eyes lit up and they shoved me aside while grabbing various items from the fridge and cupboards. 

The two of them started humming to two different songs at the same time so it was hard to pick out which song they were each humming. 

While they were cooking what looked to be french toast, I decided to make myself useful and prepare myself and my friends some coffee. 

I had finished with the coffee just as they were placing the French toast onto the plates. 

I poured the steaming liquid into three mugs. Cream and sugar for me, two milk and two sugar for Lena, and cream for Kara. 

I decided to top each drink off with a little whipped cream since it was the summer. 

I sprayed some of it onto each drink before putting a large dollop into my mouth. 

Kara snatched the can from my grasp and put some onto our french toast. 

We stuffed our faces and drank our coffee in almost complete silence with the occasional, "holy crap these are good". 

Almost immediately after I finished off my last bite of breakfast, Kara and Lena suggested that we take a girls day and go shopping. I agreed and we all went up to my room to figure out what I should wear. 

About half an hour later, we had decided on a casual white dress with a lace overlay that came just above my knee, paired with a dark wash denim jacket and strappy sandals. 

I quickly tied my wavy blonde hair into a messy bun, grabbed my keys off of the counter, and the three of us were off. 

First, we drove to Lena's house so that she could get ready. 

After Lena was finally finished 'putting her face on' we drove to Kara's place so she could get ready as well. 

Kara only took ten minutes compared to Lena's forty, and after she was done, we were off to the mall. 

Since Beckton was small, we had to drive about ten minutes outside of town to get to the mall. 

As soon as we got into the mall, Lena grabbed my arm and pulled Kara and I into a little bathing suit shop and insisted that Kara and I needed new swimsuits. And by swimsuits she meant bikinis. 

"I am NOT wearing a bikini in public!" Kara exclaimed. 

"Oh c'mon Kara Bear!" Lena whined. 

I chuckled at her use of Kara's rarely used nickname that we have her back in grade seven. 

"Don't think you're getting out of wearing one too Nicole" 

"Uhh no. I'm sorry Lena. I love you and all but I am not built for bikinis and I never will be." I told her. 

"That is complete and utter bullshit!!" Lena yelled. 

It was obvious by now that Lena wasn't going to give up very easily so Kara and I decided to just let her pick one or two out for us and we would try them on and see from there. 

About half an hour later, Kara and I ended up leaving the store with a bikini in hand. 

Mine was a teal strapless bikini that had a twist in the middle of the top piece, and had strings tied on either side of my hips. 

Kara got a peach coloured halter top bikini with bottoms that were similar to mine. 

After we visited a few more stores, we decided to get some frozen yogurt and call it a day. The girls had to go home because they had plans, so after I took them home, I drove straight back to my house.

When I arrived at home, I saw that my mum was home. She was sitting on the couch with a book in hand and a mug of tea right next to her.  

"Hey mum! What are you doing home so early?" I asked excitedly while walking towards her. 

"My boss said that I could come home early today because I had taken Linda's shift and things were starting to get slow" she said while placing a delicate kiss on my forehead. 

"Dinner will be ready in about two or so hours honey!!" mum called to me after I began to head for my room. 

"Okay mum thanks!!"

"I love you Nicole!"

"I love you too!"

When I got into my room, I unlocked my phone to reveal a text from Jay. My ex-boyfriend. 

Sighing, I ignored the message and deleted it. 

I broke up with Jay about nine months ago after I caught him sleeping with my friend (at the time) Lexi. I guess he never got over it because he has been pestering me ever since. 

I kneeled down by my TV and put in the first disc I laid eyes on. 

The complete first season of SpongeBob Squarepants. 

After about ten episodes, I slowly felt myself beginning to drift into a deep sleep. 

I then found myself in a dark room with a mysterious looking man staring down at me. 

It was too dark to see his face but I could see the outline of his toned arms and chest. Even though it was dark, I could tell that this man was attractive. 

I went to stand up, but as soon as I tried to move, I couldn't. I was tied up in a wooden chair. Great.

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