Alternate Ending

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Lieutenant Garrett:
Alternate Ending

*Just so y'all know, this chapter is written for those who may not have liked the actual ending to Lieutenant Garrett. This ending, as far as I'm concerned, didn't happen and if you would rather use this ending instead of 'Dominic Ryan' then the two epilogues pretty much don't apply anymore. I like the original ending because I'm a total Cheesehead and I like cheesy things but for everyone who didn't like the original ending, here it is. The alternate ending.*

July 13th 2016


"Yeah honey"

"Call Chris and Ryan"

"Whyyyy" she asked suspiciously, inching towards me in the kitchen.

"Because I wanna go bowling. C'mon Ad, I'm going into labor"

"Well thank you Colonel Sarcasm, now go to the car while I grab our children and call our husbands"

"Ok fine but I don't know how far I'll make it" I said clutching my stomach and reaching for my bag.

"Chasey baby, Dominic!! C'mere kidlets we are going to go to Auntie Lena and Auntie Kara's house!!" Addison called up the stairs while dialing on her phone.

Chase and Dom came trotting down the stairs, Chase fell in the hall on the way down since he hasn't been walking for too long.

"Hi babies. Let's go for a drive" I said taking their hands and walking to the front door.

"Okay Chris and Ryan are going to meet us there in like, twenty-five minutes so hang in there baby" Addison said patting my back.

I strained and picked my son up and plooped him in his car seat. I bent over and put my hand on my knee trying to regain my breath.

"Mumma okay?" Chase asked putting a hand through my hair.

"Yeah baby" I said as the contraction subsided "Mumma's okay. Gimme a kiss" I said puckering my lips.

Chase did the same and gave me a kiss. Addison strapped Dominic in and slid into the front seat. I slowly made my way into the passenger's seat and closing the door. I strapped on my seatbelt and grabbed onto the door handle.

"You good hun?" She asked as we pulled up to Lena and Kara's place. She took the babies out of their seats and walked them up to the door carrying a diaper bag. She walked in and the boys were greeted with hugs and kisses from their Aunties. Lena and Kara waved to me before yelling "Good Luck!!" And closing the door.

We drove to the hospital where I was fitted for a hospital gown and admitted to a room. Thirty-five minutes later, I was starting to get worried about Chris and Ryan.

"Nicole, baby. They're fine. They're probably just stuck in traffic."

"Well send them a text or something" by now, my hormones were going crazy; making me a little hostile.

"They can't text and drive. Just calm down please they'll be here"

"I'm in freaking labor and my husband isn't here. I don't wanna calm down!"

"Nicole please"

Just then my doctor came in and flipped through a few of my papers. "Okay Nicole. Your daughter has turned breech. Which basically means that her head is at the top of your belly rather than the bottom. So, we have to do an emergency c-section which means that you are going to have your daughter surgically rather than naturally"

"Okay, she'll be okay though right?"

"Yes she will be perfectly fine"

"Okay then that's fine but my husband still isn't here so could we potentially wait a minute?"

Lieutenant GarrettDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora