No One But You

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Chapter Eight
No One But You

The following chapter is extremely cheesy. Read if you dare :p
I woke up the next morning still with Chris, Lena and Kara. The exact same as we all were when I fell asleep.

I felt Chris moving around and then I felt him starting to play with my hair.

"Morning" he said sleepily.

"Good morning sunshine" I laughed trying to shake the memories of last night.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm fine how about you?"

"Well I could definitely get used to waking up with you every morning that's for sure" he smirked.

I snuggled into him breathing in his scent.

I guess that over the next month, we just can't take each other for granted. Relish each others presence because you never know if it could be ripped away.

"I'm not going anywhere" he whispered.

"You don't know that" I sniffled.

"I do. And you know why?"


"Because I've made it out of too many awful situations to have the one thing I want to stay alive more than anything for ripped away" he said.

He then began to tell me about all of the terrible experiences he has had in the army and how he never knew why he had survived when others didn't. And that now he does know.


I was the reason.

"I didn't know you had been through so much" I whispered a tear falling down my face at the thought of how horrible that would have been for him.

"Yeah it was awful at the time. But now that I look back on it, it only made me stronger" he laughed "and it brought me to you" he kissed me on the cheek.

I turned and brought my lips to his in a kiss that was passionate and heartfelt. A kiss that said, "I will never leave you" and "please don't leave me" at the same time.

We pulled away and just sat in silence. Loving each others company until Lena and Kara woke up.

We all decided to put in my SpongeBob Squarepants disc and watch the day away.

At about six, Chris decided that it was time for him to head home and I gave him a quick kiss goodbye.

We had arranged for our next date tomorrow. I didn't know where he was taking me but he said that it would be fun.

Lena and Kara stayed that night and helped me get ready for my date the next morning.

"He's a keeper" Kara said.

"Agreed" Lena replied.

"Why do you say that?" I questioned them.

"Do you see the way he looks at you?" Lena answered.

"No. How does he looks at me?"

"Like there's no one on the entire planet except for you" Kara responded.

I smiled. Why had he chosen me? He was way out of my league. I didn't deserve an amazing guy like him.

"You guys are so perfect for each other" Lena told me.

"I think so too" Kara said.

"Well it certainly feels like it" I laughed.

I just didn't know how I was going to get through the nine months of being unsure whether I would see him again.
I honestly love Chris. And I love writing this story so I hope you readers love it as much as I do!!
Keep commenting and voting! I need ideas for future chapters!
Happy Reading!
Eagle_Eye_13 xx

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