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Chapter Seven

I woke up that night in Chris's arms as he was carrying me to the jeep.

"Stay here baby alright?" he pleaded. He sounded worried.

"Huh? Why? What's wrong?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

"Nothing. Everything is fine. Just stay here okay?"

"Okay" I said hesitantly.

I watched Chris as he walked away from the jeep toward another guy who was yelling at him.

Jay. And he was drunk. Very very drunk.

Jay was walking towards Chris screaming at him about how I'm "property of him" and that Chris should keep his hands off of me.

Jay walked up to Chris and shoved him. But he didn't move Chris very far. That's when I got out of the car and ran towards them.

"Jay!!!! Stop!!!!" I screamed in plea.

"You little slut!! Break up with me and you're already sleeping with another man!!!" Jay slurred.

I held Chris back with all of my might so he wouldn't punch Jay's lights out.

"Jay, that was nine months ago. Plus, you're the one who cheated on me!!" I screamed in rage.

"Come on baby. Come back home with me. I need to get you away from this jackass he's obviously a bad influence" Jay said while looking at Chris.

There was no way I could hold Chris back anymore. This guy was a thousand times stronger than me. If he wanted to hit Jay, he was going to.

Chris lunged at Jay and began punching him repeatedly.

"CHRIS!!!!! STOP PLEASE!!!" I screamed at him tears filling my eyes.

Chris got up off of Jay, hit him one last time and came back and began to lead me towards the jeep.

"Don't you come near me or Nicole ever again, you got that asshole?" Chris yelled.

Hearing him swear made me fearful. He was angry.

"Don't tell me what to do" Jay replied.

"I'm gonna. And you're gonna listen. Now as I said, you got it?" Chris spat.

"Yeah whatever" Jay concluded.

Chris began walking me back to the jeep and tried to get my tears to stop.

"I know how to get you to stop cryin" he said.

He walked in front of me and crouched down.

"Hop on" he smiled.

I laughed and jumped into his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He walked us back to the jeep and flipped me around and held me bridal style before spinning me around a few times and setting me into the passenger seat.

He closed the door and walked over to his side of the truck. He climbed in and started the engine.

We pulled away from the hill and began our drive home.

When we pulled into my driveway, he got out and opened the door for me. I took his hand and jumped out of the truck. He picked me up bridal style once again and spun me around before giving me a kiss goodnight.

I waved goodbye and stepped inside the house to see Lena and Kara sitting in the kitchen with my mum talking and laughing each of them with a mug of tea in their hands.

"Hey guys" I muttered awkwardly.

"Hey!!!" Kara answered.

They both ran over and gave me a giant group hug.

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