Chapter 31-40

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The person who came was a little familiar.

Ji Zhiyao’s memory was considered not too bad, so he thought back for a few seconds and easily found the memory related to this person.

More than a month ago, ‘Heroes Tournament,’ his teammate from the amateur team, icy ADC.

S City has more than ten universities, and each university has several hundreds of specializations. Even so, to be placed into the same dorm, what kind of unfortunate affinity this was.

Watching as the other party’s almost expressionless mask crack and actually look surprised, Ji Zhiyao smiled, quickly jumping down from the ladder. “What a coincidence.”

Icy male’s face returned to the expressionless state, only nodding to him.

Yang Bing said, “Old Ji, you guys know each other?”

“Met once by chance.”

Ji Zhiyao saw that icy male seemed like he did not really want to bring up this matter. Hence, he did not go on and, in turn, asked, “It’s almost 5 pm, so I’m going to find something to eat. Want to go together?”

“Sure, are we going to check out the canteen, or directly head out to look for a place to eat?” Yang Bing’s overly friendly arm was placed on his shoulder and the other on Ning Lichao. He suggested. “I saw a row of snack shops when I went to the supermarket. Let’s go try them.”

Ning Lichao smiled shyly. “I’m alright with anything.”

“Let’s discuss when we’re there?” Ji Zhiyao asked and after receiving a unanimous reply, turned towards the person who had just put down his bedding. “Brother, join us.”

He initially thought that icy male would not be willing to go with them. However, he did not think for long before agreeing.

Locking up the dorm, the four boys walked out in a line.

They had not walked far out, and Ji Zhiyao had successfully found out the name of the last member of their dorm, Wen Heng.

What was surprising to him was that though Wen Heng appeared to be more aloof, he was actually a case of cold hands, warm hearts. The four walked to the snack shop to have hotpot. Wen Heng unexpectedly remembered that Ning Lichao had casually mentioned that he could not take spice and asked for the waiter to prepare a double-flavored hotpot.

The four boys chatted as they ate, and by the end of the meal, while making their way back, they had already become close enough to casually hang their arms around each other.

Yang Bing sighed deeply. “Before coming to university, although I had not imagined myself to be the best looking in the dorm, I also didn’t expect to actually have two roommates who could be known as campus hunks. Isn’t this giving me no place to go? I was still hoping to quickly find a girl in university.”

One of the two who were accused remained cold, whereas the other was grinning. “You and Lichao are so very good-looking. Steady, you can do it.”

“You can say that, but with the two of you, who would take a liking to me?” After muttering that, Yang Bing leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Are the both of you attached?”

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