CHAPTER 181 -190

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Another ten seconds of silence followed, Ji Zhiyao’s expression was warped as he exclaimed, “What the f*ck, it’s hanging right at this time! Bastard!”

“Cut! No cursing, otherwise it cannot be aired, let’s try again!”

Several takes later, Ji Zhiyao felt that he was gradually losing control over his expression and finally succeeded in saying his line with the suitable emotions. “What a crappy item, it’s actually stuck at this point in time!”

“That will do, that will do, the others continue.”

Nuo: “Ah! Goddamn mine is stuck too!”

K: “Ah dear me oh my god mine too!”

Heng: “Oh dear, why is mine stuck too?”

Xiaofei: “Ohmygod I’m stuck too!”

The corner of Mo Huaifeng’s lips twitched, and he grudgingly read out his line. “So annoying, mine too, let’s try swapping to another brand of keyboards!”

“Yes, that’s the feeling! Very good!

“That take was not bad, but we have not rolled the cameras, let’s do one more take!”

When the filming ended, it was already five hours later. Yuan Wei also happened to walk out from where he had been with the advertisers, when he saw their dreadfully pale makeup after enduring the studio, he took a step back in both surprise and bewilderedness, “What the hell! He did not tell me that they had to act as ghosts…”

Yet Yuan Wei’s voice had already died off before he even finished talking, because he realized that his beloved members, including Xiaofei who had the best temper, were all glaring at him with a look that showed their itch to chop him into pieces.

“Excuse me? What have I done wrong?”

Ji Zhiyao bit out viciously, “Yuan Wei you bastard!”

The others followed unanimously, “Yes!”

Yuan Wei still did not understand why he had went from the kind and adorable manager to the bastard that everyone in the team wanted to beat up, when he saw the assistant from the advertiser walk over. “Mr Yuan, we are done with filming, we will send the final payment to your end as soon as possible. When the actual advertisement is completed, we will also send it over at the first moment.”

Yuan Wei nodded. “Alright, then we will be leaving now.”

“Yes, good bye and take care.”

Before Yuan Wei turned back, his thoughts were still about how the bunch of rascals had yet to remove their makeup, he did not know what to do. He intended to ask for their opinions, yet once he turned back… “All of you..”

There wasn’t a single person behind him.

Yuan Wei quickly walked outside, taking three steps in two, and found that their van stopped outside the studio had already gone so far that he could only see it as a tiny little dot.

He was dumbfounded.

They all ran?

Then what about him?

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