Chapter 51-60

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Ji Zhiyao thought for a bit. He did not seem to have anything on next weekend, so he replied : [Sure, which day to be exact? I’ll book my plane ticket.]

[DB.MHF: The performance match is on Sunday afternoon, so we’re leaving Sunday morning. There will be many people in the venue, and the place is hard to find too. I’ll book the ticket for you. You come to the base earlier on Sunday, we’ll leave together.]

[MelonRind: Fi-god, do you have a younger sister?]

[DB.MHF: ?]

[MelonRind: In other words, do you have a younger sister as sweet and virtuous as yourself? I would like to devote myself to her.]

[DB.MHF: Are you tired of living?]

[MelonRind: That thought does not exist.]

[MelonRind: Rest assured Fi-god, I will arrive early. I won’t hold up everyone’s time!]

[DB.MHFL: Mm. My phone number is the same as my WeChat number. Keep in touch by phone then.]

[MelonRind: Alright.]

After sending the ‘alright,’ Ji Zhiyao first copied Mo Huaifeng’s WeChat number and saved it. Then, he opened an app, checked the price for a first class air ticket to W City, and returned to the chat again.

[MelonRind: Transferring 1399 yuan to you.]

[DB.MHF: ?]

[MelonRind: Money for the air ticket. Mix battleteam is so luxurious, so we must be flying first class. I’ve seen through it all.]

[DB.MHF: …]

[DB.MHF: The air ticket is paid by the team, no need to pay me. When we reach there, you can just buy everyone lunch.]

[MelonRind: Okay, you can count on me. I guarantee you guys good food and drinks!]

Sending the last line, Ji Zhiyao began to search for famous restaurants in W City and noted remarks as he searched.

He had not browsed for long when the phone held in his hand sounded with a “ding ding dong dong” ringtone. The number belonged to S City locally, and the number was unknown.

Ji Zhiyao swiped the answer key to the right, placing the phone by his ear.


“May I know if this is Ji Zhiyao?” The female voice on the other side of the call had a gentle tone and gave a favorable impression.

“I am.”

“Hello, I am the Xiaoyu, the head of the Contracts Department at Salted Egg Livestream. We’ve just taken a look here. Your contract ends on the 17th of this month, so I would like to check if you would intend to renew your contract. You are now an experienced broadcaster, and should you choose to renew, other than raising your basic salary by twenty thousand, the ratio for profits would also reach 7:3. If you would like to renew the contract, we will draft up a new contract for you.”

“Expiring? That’s fast.”

Ji Zhiyao was a little surprised. He recalled the dates for a bit. It was also around this time last year that he started livestreaming, and calculating the time, it was indeed almost a year.

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