CHAPTER 191-200

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As he walked, Ji Zhiyao was still pondering over where he was lagging. Being deep in his thoughts as he walked, he almost knocked in Hyun Woo who was also getting water.

Ji Zhiyao smiled apologetically, then used English and gestures to apologize. Hyun Woo smiled, saying “it’s okay”, then asked, “Yao, are you getting used to playing in Korean servers?”

This question was a little sudden, Ji Zhiyao was slightly surprised, but still replied after giving it some thought. “Quite alright, feels like after familiarizing myself with it for a few days, it is not as difficult as I imagined it to be.”

“Sometimes it’s really hard to believe that you’ve been playing professionally for less than two years, your adaptability is strong and your individual capability is good too.” The pace at which Hyun Woo was speaking was slightly slow, but his intonation was very comfortable to listen to. “Mix battleteam’s internal atmosphere is great too, you guys are at the top of the list amongst the China battleteams that I’ve met.”

Ji Zhiyao was still feeling rather embarrassed when he heard the front part of his speech, then he heard Hyun Woo go on to praise his battleteam, a sense of pride welled up in him. His favorable impression of Hyun Woo was also growing. If it wasn’t because he was still not as close to Hyun Woo, Ji Zhiyao would definitely be patting his shoulder and praising his taste right now… Yet Ji Zhiyao could only reply very humbly, “No no, most of the China battleteams are all united and harmonious.”

Hyun Woo smiled, “Your team is very strong too, it’s hard to avoid being distracted when it’s your first time competing in Korean servers, it’s very normal that you guys could not bring out your true capabilities when going against a professional team. I look forward to when you guys are ready and pull out all the stops for another match with us.”

Ji Zhiyao’s smile vanished as his expression became slightly solemn. “Sorry, I do not agree. Vita battleteam is a professional team, so is Mix. Though we’re in a division that we’re not familiar with, the team’s capability should not be affected because of that. This time, it’s the mistakes of us members, it does not mean that we did not do our best. We are very serious when playing every competition, this is the basic quality of a professional player.”

Hyun Woo appeared to be slightly surprised, he apologized profusely. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. Please do not think more of it.”

“I won’t.”

“I agreed to play a match with Qee earlier, I’ve been out for some time already, I shall go back.”

Ji Zhiyao nodded lightly, then watched Hyun Woo leave the kitchen.

When he was sure that he had left, Ji Zhiyao then rolled his eyes.

He actually questioned that their attitudes weren’t serious? The extent of their seriousness when gaming and bantering were directly proportionate alright!

Ji Zhiyao took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and chugged it. Midway, he heard his Captain’s voice from beside him, saying, “No one is fighting you for it, drink slower.”

Ji Zhiyao almost choked. He put the bottle down and saw Mo Huaifeng who don’t know when, had walked into the kitchen and asked, “Captain, why did you come out?”

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