Chapter 71-80

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The first to show support was Yuan Wei who had just returned outside the base. His expression was dreamy. “666, from now on, the honor of being known as ‘untactful without obscenities’ belongs to you. I somehow have a hunch that you will keep holding it until you retire.”

Feeling a little lazy, Ji Zhiyao fell back with his whole butt into the chair. “The title of the king with the best collection of verses of the day is mine and mine only.”

“Not bad.”

Mo Huaifeng rarely complimented anyone but approved Ji Zhiyao’s statement this time. “No matter what you think, or how you explain, there will always be all kinds of foul accusations waiting for you. But if one day, you get onto the position of 1st on the international ranks, those people will properly shut up. After all, in eSports, being lousy is the actual sin.”

Ji Zhiyao replied. “Eh Captain, are you saying I have the potential to be 1st on the international ranks?”

“… Shut up and go practice.”


Ji Zhiyao, together with his three dazed teammates, in midst of Mo Huaifeng’s exasperated voice, continued to throw themselves into practice.

Then, only at 10 pm in the night did they stop.

Ji Zhiyao rubbed his sore wrist, rotating his neck at the same time, twisting until his neck kept creaking. Other than the period of the time when he had first gotten into Heroes, he had never played for seven or eight hours straight like this. Practically both his body and mind were exhausted.

Yet, K, Heng, Nuo, and Mo Huaifeng, who had the worst temper, all looked like they were used to it, and nobody complained once.

This was the world that they were already accustomed to.

Even internet-addicted youths who wished to game all day long would curse impatiently after playing continuously for several hours, but professional players would never be like this.

Granted that in the eyes of some people, professional players were through and through internet-addicted youths.

They had not had dinner and were currently all starving that their chests could touch their backs. After ordering takeaway, everyone was in front of the refrigerator searching for food to fill their stomachs. Ji Zhiyao took a carton of milk and a vacuum-packed chicken drumstick, and he chowed them down back at his seat at the computer desk.

Nibbling on the drumstick, Yuan Wei walked over. “NoHomo, do a livestream later.”

“???” Ji Zhiyao, with a bone in his mouth, looked at Yuan Wei confusedly.

He hastily spit it out and asked, “Does the livestream duration not begin accumulating from next month on? It’s already the middle of the month, half a month left. Do I still need to make up 40 hours?”

Yuan Wei replied. “That is correct. You did not hear wrongly. That’s how inhumane it is.”

Ji Zhiyao blanked out for a few seconds, seeming to be thinking of the possibility of leaving this battleteam. But when he realized that possibility was close to none, he tactfully expressed his rejection. “This is different from what I had imagined.”

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