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Pov Simon
Auyub, Rosh and I have been at the park for a few hours and they're squeezing me about Wille and Erik. I reluctantly answer any questions I know the answer to and keep checking my phone. "Why do you check your phone so often?" Ayub looks at me questioningly. "Wille should be back at Hillerska right away. He told me he'd text me when he got there." I look at it again.

"You're really nervous" Rosh states. "Why?" she looks at me questioningly. "You guys are together now and stuff" "It's just" I'm taking a short break. "I have a bad feeling. Something inside me tells me something happened" I say hesitantly. "Nothing will have happened." Ayub punches me lightly in the shoulder. "And now please smile again" I have to smile.

"Let's go for an ride." Rosh nods towards the scooters. "Okay" I nod and we go. Rosh and Ayub put on their helmets and I wait to mount. I'm about to do the same thing when my phone rings. I'll take a quick look. Malin. "Sorry, I have to" I say, pick up the phone and walk a few meters away from them.

"Hello" "Simon?" she says slowly. She has an undertone in her voice that doesn't bode well. "What happened?" I ask worried. "I thought I'd call you not that you have to read it on the news" it doesn't sound good.

"Crown Prince Erik and Prince Wilhelm..." she stops and takes a deep breath. "They had an accident. Both are alive, but are seriously injured and are being taken to a hospital" she says finally.

I suddenly feel like I can't breathe anymore. My knees are weakening and I'm fighting with all my might not to collapse. "Are you still there?" Malin's voice tears me out of my thoughts. "Y... yes, I am" I stutter. "What exactly happened?"

"We drove behind them, as always, and only when the whole thing happened did we realize that a car was driving towards us on our lane and it just hit them because they were driving in front. It doesn't really make sense now either, I'm sorry but I'm a bit overwhelmed right now." she tells. She keeps gasping for air between words.

"It makes sense. Thanks. Thanks for letting me know" I smile briefly. "I don't know when you'll be able to see them, maybe not at all, but I'll let you know as soon as I know more. Is that okay?" I nod. "Yeah, that would be good. Thanks again" "No problem. Bye" "Bye" I slowly put my phone down.

I wipe my eyes with my hand, hoping not to start crying.
I can't think of any more right now.

I turn and go back to Ayub and Rosh. "We have to go to my house immediately" I say hoarsely. "What why?" "Don't ask, just do it, thanks" I sit behind Ayub on the scooter and we drive off. I fight back tears as we drive. Luckily home isn't that far away.

Once there, I quickly go down, run to the door and open it. When Mom sees me, she gets up, comes to me and hugs me. And from that point on, I let my tears flow freely. Mom tries to calm me down, but it doesn't really work.

After a while she slowly let go of me, but only enough to look me in the face. "I'm scared" I say softly. "Shhh, it's going to be alright" she hugs me again. Ayub and Rosh will have looked accordingly, because at some point she says, short: "News".

Pov Wilhelm
"Where is he?" I look around in panic. No answer despite so many people in the room. "Where's Erik?" I ask again and again get no answer. "I fucking want to know where he is!"

~ Flashback, just after the crash

I slowly open my eyes. Every single bone in my body hurts. I'm trying to orient myself, but it's kind of difficult with all the rubble.

Where is Erik?

I can not move. I notice that a heavy thing is lying on top of me. I can't really identify it as anything. I lie there for a while. I have no idea how long it is. It feels like hours. Then finally a redeeming sound. Shortly afterwards I hear Erik asking for me. Over and over again.

After a few minutes I'll finally be able to answer. "Here. I'm here" I say weakly. A short time later I feel something moving above me. I look up. Erik looks straight into my face. He is bleeding profusely from a wound on his forehead and smiles with relief. "I thought you were thrown out or something" he gently strokes my cheek. I smile with tears in my eyes. Never, absolutely never, have I been so glad to see him. He kneels in front of me and just looks at me.

"I love you, please never forget that"

He says it as if he wanted to say goodbye to me. Don't think like that, Wilhelm.

A few minutes later, he gently pulls the thing above me until it's next to me. I look down at myself. I have scraped and torn spots everywhere, but everything is still there. Only my knee looks a bit broken, that's how it feels. Erik sits next to me, exhausted. "You don't look very good" "I don't feel very good" as soon as he said that, he fell over onto my side.

His head falls on my chest, making it difficult to breathe. I don't care at the moment though.

What is happening to him?

"Erik? Hello?" he doesn't move. I shake him. Nothing. Shit. I can feel him breathing, which gives me incredible relief. I take his hand with one hand of mine and run my other through his hair. "I'm here. You're not alone" I whisper in his direction.

"Wilhelm? Erik?" I hear Malin shout. "Here" I shout back.

~ Flashback end

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