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"Mom?" She is standing in the middle of the entrance hall and is currently deep in conversation with Kristina. "Simon" she smiles in our direction and comes towards us. It's only been four days or so since I last saw her, but I still missed her. I mean, it's mom. I hug her for a relatively long time. After we separated again, Wille and Mom hugged each other.

"I'm glad you're feeling better" she pats Wille lightly on the shoulder. "What are you doing here?" I look at her questioningly. "I got invited" she looks at Kristina. "Actually, Sara would be there too, but Felice invited her too and she wanted to go to her instead."

We spend the next few hours having conversations, discussing new rules for me and Wille, talking on the phone with Erik, exploring the palace and mom is actually there the whole time.

Sometimes I walk a little slower so I can just smile happily and watch mom and my boyfriend, who have an incredibly sweet bond with each other, even though they haven't seen each other that often. A few days ago, Wille jokingly said that he was only with me and that he could spend time with my mom.

At some point Kristina came along and for some reason she and mom get along incredibly well and I have no idea why. A few days ago I found Kristina incredibly unsympathetic, but funnily enough she has changed, and Wille thought so too.

But the fact that they get along so well and talk to each other a lot means that I'm often pulled into a random niche and kissed. I have nothing against it, not at all, but when a certain hand goes to certain parts of the body, it's over. Wille really enjoys making me upset like that, you can't blame him, but at least I still have the patience to wait until we're alone in his locked room again.

Pov Wilhelm
Normally there are always a lot of people here for dinner on the 24th, but due to our accident and all the other things that happened, that was canceled, so today only Mom, Dad, Linda, Simon and I are here and of course nor the others who also live here, assistants and so on. Despite everything, there will be a dance Ball all tomorrow with lots of some rich and famous people, which I definitely don't want to go to.

Besides, I don't want to do that to Simon because he either has to come with me or he would just be alone and I know that he most likely doesn't want that. But mom will force me to do it. Besides Simon, I have another tiny problem, my knee. How am I supposed to traipse around with this for an entire evening?! Also, I can't survive this without Erik.

The last few years we always went together and if I felt uncomfortable or didn't want to answer a question, he would just talk to that person until they left voluntarily and that was great.

"Wille, your phone" Simon puts it in my hand as it rings. Erik. I'll answer the call. "Hey" "Hi" Simon comes to me and greets him briefly. "I actually just wanted to let you know that your presents, wrapped and labeled, are under the bed in my room" he grins conspiratorially. "Erik. What did you put in it?!" Given his grin, it can only be something very special.

"Get the presents, go to the others, call me again and then unpack them. I have to see your reactions" he laughs. "Sometimes Erik, sometimes..." "What about sometimes?" "You're annoying" I hang up. "Come on, I want to know what ideas he's come up with now." I take Simon's hand and walk with him to Erik's room.

Yes, well, you can't call it walking, he's walking, I'm hobbling next to him, which looks more like hopping, but I don't care. When we get to his room, I open the door and go to the bed. There are actually two gifts of approximately the same size underneath. I take them both out and put his in Simon's arms. After I close Erik's room again, we go back together.

We sit back down at the table with the others and after I called Erik again, we started unpacking, a little skeptically, I have to admit. Maybe you'll understand it better if I briefly quote something that Dad said to Erik earlier.

"Don't you dare. If this causes chaos again, the two of us will have a problem"

Apparently I got on Erik's nerves so much in one year that he thought it was necessary to put so much glitter in it, which flies in all directions when I open it, that it took three years until everything stopped glittering. I love Erik. I found his action sympathetic. Unfortunately, I had so much glitter on each of my suits that you almost thought it was supposed to be that way, spoiler alert, it wasn't supposed to be. And since this story, I've only opened gifts or packages from Erik very carefully.

After making a hole in the wrapping paper and feeling the contents, I look at Erik with a slightly annoyed 'are you serious?!' Look. He just laughs shabbily. I rip the paper completely open and actually, my dearest brother came up with the fabulous idea of ​​giving me dark blue, pretty thick curtains. We normally have a very close and relatively loving relationship with each other, but when we give gifts, that all stops. See glitter.

Simon has now unwrapped his present. You can guess what was inside him three times. Definitely not a thick curtain, what makes you think that?

After Erik has recovered from his fit of laughter, he reaches for his bedside table because my gift for him is lying there. He unpacks it and then looks at me with the exact same look I gave him before. Now I'm laughing. He puts on the Elsa crown, absolutely thrilled of course. Surprisingly, it suits him well. "You two really can’t help it" says mom.

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