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Pov Simon
I actually prepared myself emotionally for the meeting with his mother after the video was leaked, but now I'm more nervous than I thought. Yes, well, it's the queen too, but still. I think it would be less bad if Wille or Erik were here, but as we know they are both in the hospital. Why did the whole thing have to happen like that? Why? And what idiot uploaded this video?

I haven't thought about it in a while, but it would probably have to be someone from school. Anyone jealous? I don't know who that could be. And who even came up with the idea of ​​filming us? Normally you would at most act as if you had seen it or ask people about it. But don't film and upload, right? I mean, you could have totally blackmailed Wille with that. But of course you think, hey, I'll just upload this now and ruin their future.

"Simon?" Malin pulls me out of my thoughts. "Ready?" I nod slowly. She gets out, opens the door for me and then I get out too. I didn't pay much attention to the castle through the window, but now that I'm standing right in front of it, I can't get around it. It's huge and kind of scary because of the size, but still beautiful. It also looks like it came straight from a fairytale. "Come on" Malin nods towards the entrance. "I'm coming" I follow her to the huge entrance door. She presses a small button in the door frame that you can hardly see.

Shortly afterwards the door is opened by an older man. I've seen him on TV several times, at Royals appearances. And as far as I know, he is Wille's mother's assistant and his name is Jan-Olof, but I'm not sure. "The meeting is about to start" is how he greets us. He is exactly as I always imagined him in real life. Not particularly friendly, but not completely unfriendly either, just something in between. "Follow me" and that's what I do, Malin comes with me too.

I'm nauseous from excitement. I want to go back to Wille, or go home completely. Everything just not being here. But before I even have the chance to run away, we find ourselves standing in front of a glass door, through the frosted pane of which you can only roughly see a few outlines. "Simon Eriksson is here now" says Jan-Olof after opening the door after a short knock. A quiet, "I'm coming out for a moment" sounds and a short time later, Wille's mother stands in front of me.

"Hello Simon" she holds out her hand to me. I don't know what to do now or how to react. Her neutral facial expression doesn't really make things any better. "Hello... er... your majesty" I stutter, smiling kindly. Now her expression changes too, for some reason it looks like she's happy, but that can't actually be the case. "Come on, let's go in" now she even smiles. With a slightly confused look, I go inside.

I am officially introduced to the people there because, logically, they all already knew who I was. I sit down in a free seat that Jan-Olof has assigned to me. By the way, I found out that his real name is Jan-Olof, just mentioned in passing. The meeting begins and Wille was right, it's mostly boring. Plus, I have no idea why I'm really here, but that doesn't seem to matter.

After a few suggestions were made about how we could make our relationship public, we discussed whether we should do it at all, and we decided to do it because it would be less damaging to the royal family than if it was reported on all the time without anything happening is confirmed, someone else is announced. No name or anything else is mentioned.

During a short break, I stay seated, almost all of the others go out, have a drink or stay seated and work on files. I sit in my chair with my arms crossed and think and somehow I feel completely out of place.

A few months ago I would never have expected to meet the royal family in person.

A few weeks ago I would never have expected Wille and I to become friends, let alone get together.

And a few days ago I never would have expected to be sitting here in a meeting.

But it is like that. Life is kind of strange sometimes.

Everyone slowly comes back in and takes their places. I look at the door. The next moment it opens and he comes in. August. How great.

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