One: The New Rachel.

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A couple of months later, Rachel was in a dance studio with a bunch of other people...

"All right, kids, show me what you got. Ready? Welcome to NYADA. This is Dance 101; my name's Cassandra July. Let's get this straight, freshmen. There's maybe two of you in this room that are good enough to make it. From now on, it's rice cakes and ipecac. Or cut off a butt cheek because you need to drop a few. Hold it."

The music stopped.

"I'm sorry. Did my conversation with Muffin Top offend you?"

"No." Rachel said.

"What's your name?"

"Rachel." Rachel tells her.

"Little Miss David Schwimmer? I bet you were a big star back in lowa."

"I'm actually from Ohio." Rachel says.

"Ohio. That's even worse. You ever looked at a map? Ohio is like a giant turd that Michigan just can't pinch off. So did you come all the way to New York City to show me how to run my class?"

"No, I... I came to learn." Rachel says.

"Okay. Lesson number one: Your piqué turns are pathetic, and your stuck-up little attitude's really pissing me off. Music!"

The music began playing, and they all continued dancing.

"Higher. Higher. Into the ground. Higher! Higher, higher!"

Rachel fell to the floor.

"I don't need any help." Rachel says, seeing Cassandra kneeling down in front of her.

"No, no, sweetie, I'm not coming to help you. I'm coming down here to give you a big New York City welcome. You suck."

Back at school, Jacob was back to videoing himself for the first day back at school...

"What's up, Blogosphere? Jacob Ben Isreal here, back on the street with an exclusive look at McKinley's newest celebrities, the New Directions. Artie Abrams, lunch room sources tell me you've been seen sitting with Cheerios."

"Well, I'm usually sitting. Yes, I can tell you that it is great to finally be popular. National champs, baby! Whoo!" Artie shouted.

"Sam Evans: from hobo stripper to glee club celebrity. How does it feel?"

"Awesome, and about time." Sam said.

"I never thought I'd have a freshman for a personal assistant. This isn't organic." Tina said, tossing the banana on the floor.

"Is it true you broke up with Mike Chang a week after tattooing "Mike Chang 4ever" on your hip because the long-distance thing was too hard?"

"Um... okay. Yeah, I still love him, and we're still friends, and I changed the tattoo to "Make Change 4ever." Change is good." Said Tina.

Jacob then walked over, finding Artie, Brittany, Tina, and Blaine standing at the trophy case.

"They said Ashleigh Berry is the group's star, so where's the star?"

"She's in New York right now with her sister. She has been there since we finished school for the summer. I think she's coming back today." Blaine tells him.

"Hmm, is she going to be the star, or is it someone new?"

"No. She's going to continue being the star for us." Said Brittany.

"No. I am." Tina said.

"No. No. It's Ashleigh. Makes sense since she's the leader. On her own now." Said Blaine.

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