Five: The Role You Were Born to Play.

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With Finn, he was working at the garage for Burt, and Ashleigh walked in...

"Why do I always feel so at home in a tire shop? That was a joke."

"What do you want, Ash? Got a lot of work to do." He said.

"Just wanted to check in on you. God, is that such a bad thing? You and I have had a rough couple of weeks... probably you more than me. I could use a friend; maybe you could too."

"It's not that bad. I just embarrassed myself out of the army, lost Rachel completely, and now I'm back in my hometown working in a tire shop. Figure my luck will change soon, and one of the lifts will break, and I'll get crushed by a car." He tells her.

"I've been feeling the same. It's hard."

"I'm sorry, Ashleigh. I appreciate what you're doing, and if anyone understands what I'm going through, it'd be you. You're a great friend. I'm just sitting back, looking at the next 60 years of my life. It makes me want to puke. You know what it is, what it is." He says.

"Do you remember what I said when I dedicated that song to you last year? You are my friend and my hero. You wouldn't let me bury myself in self-pity, so I'm not gonna let you do that, Finn. You're better than that."

"You know, I've heard that my whole life, Ash. I'm better than I think I am. Well, look around you. Maybe I'm not." He tells her.

"You just lost your confidence because you forgot your place. You're a creative person. You need to find an artistic outlet. So come co-direct the musical with Artie. Grease was my idea."

"I don't know how to direct a musical, Ash." He said.

"Directing is about having an idea and convincing everyone around you to make it happen."

"I don't think so." He says.

"Fine. Then I guess I'm not taking part in the musical. I'll find a way for it to get cancelled."

"You can't do that, Ashleigh. Hold the musical hostage? That's like terrorism."

"You bet your ass

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"You bet your ass. I'd blow the whole thing up. I'm serious, Finn. As your friend, you need to do this. Please? Auditions are tomorrow."

With Sam and Ashleigh, they stood before the sign-up sheet for Grease...

"As president and vice president, we can pretty much decree whichever parts we want, right?"

She shrugged, seeing him write both of their names and seeing Blaine walk over.

"Hey." Blaine said, clearing his throat.

"Oh. Uh, hi. Um, I've gotta... got this thing to do with Unique." She says, walking away quickly.

"Ooh, that was awkward. You two have a falling out? Hey, you're signing up for Grease?"

"You could say that. I'm not sure if I'm gonna do the musical this year. I'm not in the right headspace to do a project like Grease. Since Ashleigh and I broke up, I haven't slept, and I've lost my appetite. I don't even gel on weekends." Blaine says.

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