School Trip

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Now it's spring me and my classmates ate going to trip. I didn't interested but it's my new classmate they are better than my old classmate right.

We are all supposed to be at school 9.00 am and bus will come at 9.40, will be going at 10.00 am.

I woke up at 5. I have to get ready and pack my bag. My home is pretty far from school.

I was there at 9.20 am my teacher said 9 but who cares. My classmates were all here at 9.40 am. Bus were late. It started to get boring because 8th grades were all going. My classmates was supposed to go on Saturday. But the bus wasn't enough. So we were going on Wednesday. It was loud kids at my school were talking, eating, gossiping, my friends were teasing me but I was stronger than all of them so they easily stopped when I pinched one of their cheeks dramatically.

Sam was chatting with his friends. He come to me and ofc teased me. I chased him he ran away. He was fastest boy I have ever seen. I was tired to chase him. I gave up he teased me saying I was so slow. When I hit his shoulder he started to act like i was a hulk that punched him. He was so dramatic. I started to giggle. Soon he was giggling with me i think it's where I started to love him.

Bus arrived. I sat next to my friend call her Julia. She is the most loyal calm girl I have ever seen we are friends for ages she was one of my old classmate I was good friends with her. We are really close but we are not the bestfriends because we don't really know each others family or preferences. I know it's strange but it's just comfortable with her. She is smart but to be honest we were talking when it's about lessons or friends. But she is most comfortable im with.

My friends and I was talking, eating. My teacher has a nickname for me which is "tomoo" all my classmates calls me by that expect Julia. Tomoo means big. I was pretty small in my class. So my teacher made me feel I wasn't that small.

It was fun we sing in bus, we listened to music. I didn't know it would be that fun since I never liked going trip. Or it was just the people that is around me. I actually liked going. We arrived at the place that is we are going to spend whole day.

Since we were going with like 8 other. We had one for each class a house. That has 4 big bed. Not that small not that big, is white house.

I throw my bag at nearest bed and started to eat with my friends. It's common in my country to have trips like that. I was only friends with Sam and my old classmates whose are my current friends. And I sometimes talked with my classmate. We had great time at the traditional house.

My teacher said if we are done with eating, we should go to outside and meet with other class listen to the people whose is our leader? I don't know how to explain that.

There were two leaders for each class. They said we will gonna play a game. First game was called find the treasure. It was a game of collecting items and running. We had to choose one boy and girl to run. We choose Sam and a girl.

They have to run to the leaders and the leaders will tell them a object. And they will run back to us to tell us what they need for example if it's a ring and one of my classmates will give them a ring and they will run back to leaders give them so they could know what is next thing to give them.

Sam and girl was fast but girl was not enough fast to make it. It had 3 round. First object was earring. I give my earring hoping Sam will be the winner, I give my earrings each of them. Girl already got eliminated leaders eliminated . The others were really fast we were 2 years younger than them.

And Sam didn't got eliminated. He come to us and he said he need one shoes. My classmates gave him. He was second one to reach. And final round it was a cup all the class didn't had them so we run to white house and grabbed cup, gave Sam. He run back. He was second one to reach but guess what he didn't get the 2nd medal instead he got 3rd medal just because the other class were 8 graders. It felt really unfair. I asked Sam about it and he said it was okay. But it wasn't for my class. They had argument with leaders but teachers stopped it.

Second game was dance battle. Two of my classmates was dancer I was dancer too but I couldn't join because of the limit.

They got silver medal. Third game were after the lunch. We came back to house and started to eat like there is no tomorrow. I noticed Sam was upset because of the game. He was the type of a guy that is hide his emotions to look like strong. I knew it and I tried to comfort him. I was trying to comfort but instead we teased each other.

Teacher were talking to my friend called Anne, teacher said Anne's bite was bigger than his bite in hamburger. Anne said my bite was even bigger. Yes, I bite and eat like there is no tomorrow.

We played a little before the last game. Last game was for people who is small. I got dragged. Six of my classmate were there and we had to wear one clothes with holding arms. We got third place.

Sam was first one to congratulate. I was a little bit frustrated I didn't realized that at the time.

We played again. I was talking to my friends about the game. There were Sam with his friends also talking about something and my friends were gone for walk expect Julia. My shoes were untied. I didn't know how to tie shoes at that time because I didn't had shoes like that all my life. I asked Julia if she can tie my shoes she said go ask if Sam can cause she will go for a walk.

Julia called Sam like it was really really important thing. Sam was nervous about what is it and I told him tie my shoes. He was giggling and annoyed. I called him my personal tie-the-shoes.

Around 3 pm we were going to a rock that is called turtle. The rock was so big and had shape of turtle. We had a selfie with leaders and our teacher.

And the leaders were going to give the medals right that time. We got 2nd, 3rd, 3rd medals. The other classed were surprised that we got medals while being two years younger than them. We left the rock and returned our house for dinner. And it was finally time for to go home. We got into the bus. My teacher and classmates started to ship people and it was my friend dating a boy we placed the boy next to my friend we were all shipping. Later a boy and I got shipped Sam seemed upset about it. The boy sat next to me and his friends were shipping us. But other kids were talking that Sam and I were dating and hiding it so they should be the ones to get shipped. Sam seemed happy about it and got up from his seat and acted like he was dragging to sit with me. We sat for the whole time. We were talking about his little crush. And one of my classmate shipped me with his friend saying his friends is mad because he didn't get shipped with me. My teacher said I was girlcrush.

Around 9 pm I came back home my parents were arguing about something I get used to this. I didn't care because my siblings were sleeping if they weren't I will go to them and told them to not listen. I had so much fun. As I was about to sleep Sam said he had a something important to tell me so meet him after class. I was wondering what it could be. I had no idea. I simply said okay and gn he said to me too.

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