Falling again.

3 0 0

I woke up late today cause I have been crying all night yesterday. And the scene I saw was repeating over and over in my head.

Sam said he would beat him up but I didn't really believed in him, thing is i'm really hoping him to punch Evan to.

12.50 Sam should be in the class? He wasn't there. Suddenly Sam came with his friends, his friends praising him I was kinda confused.

He sat down and told me. "Hey remember you told me that punch Evan in the face. And I even warned you to not complain right?" He said while smirking. "What did you do Mr. Sam?"
I said. "He almost cried when I slapped him like 2 times and your Evan is two cheeks became soo red" he said giggling

I didn't know why but I got surprised and worried about Evan. "You really did, wow I tought you wouldn't but does Evan didn't yk blood and he has a brother that is really strong, u know that don't you think he will snitch on you?" I said worrying.

"We promised to not call someone and just 1vs1 so I don't think he will snitch on me if he did you should broke up w him because he isn't a man he is just a boy." He said with serious face.

"Hmm okay. And what about you did you get punched or something?" I said. "He punched me first it didn't hurt much. Don't worry" when he was saying that I realized he still doesn't like to show his emotions. I clearly can see his cheeks being punched by someone it's not like it was really bad but just red. And suddenly one of his friends called Teflon. "Wow so you had a fight between two people just for you yh your pretty" he said while smirking. "No it isn't like that it's just that he supported me." I noticed that Sam wasn't talkative I thought it was because he got punched and it hurted bit.

After our 3 hours of lessons, it was 15 minutes break time. Someone called Sam I was worried if it was Evan's brother. When I walked out of classroom there was Sam standing in front of 5-6 people 1 trying to punch Sam and others trying to stop him.

I was really regretful because I made Sam into this mess if I didn't told Sam everything he would not be in this situation.

His brother were like 170 and really muscular almost looked dlike 12nd grader. Luckily one of my classmate were friends w him. So he calmed down that crazy person.

After he go to their class Sam sat next to me and I assumed he was crying I didn't know how to comfort him. I just patted his back and said he was great and if he wouldn't be there to support me I would be crying rn.

Minutes passed he was now laughing and teasing me. I guess he calmed down. He was talking and I was regretful wanted to apologize.

I tried to but if I mentioned that now I felt like I would make him sad again so I decided to not bring that. I'm regretting about not apologizing.


Emo boy
Hey did you get the

Emo boy
And also forget about me
crying it is embarrassing

Sent 2 photos.

I will and I'm sorry for
getting you into a mess

Emo boy
That's okay I don't mind

Emo boy
Damn he was really angry
right? And did you broke up
w Evan?

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