He confessed!

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POV Misheelle

      Yesterday was so fun. But it was so tiring. When I first wake up I wanted to see Sam's face "Wait why I want to see his face right now?" I slowly walked into the bathroom.

      I was brushing my teeth when I suddenly remember getting shipped with him. I was happy? I know this feeling i sleep late because of Sam. I was thinking about him all night I don't know why? I think I fell inlove.

     When I was checking my phone if I reserved any messages from Sam. I realized I had crush on my friend. I hate having crush because you're the one who will be broken.

     I tried to forget about him for second but things kept remained about him. I was watching skz code in the bus but my mind was thinking about him and won't stop.

    I wanted to focus even tough I already watched it before. And was watching 23rd time. All I could think was him.

    When I got in my seat Sam called me for a talk I remembered his important thing to tell me.

   I asked what is it about and he suddenly gave me a flower I loved flowers so so much. I was screaming in the inside, I didn't say anything I smiled at him and I quickly stopped because my smile is so ugly.

   Sam told me that ""Misheelle you look so beautiful when you smile, I don't understand why you're insecure about you're smile. It's most beautiful smile I have ever seen."I was shocked I was happy I was flustered. He smiled at me sooo wide it looked so cute.

   "Sam what do you mean I live for you're smile. You're smile is the best. You're so handsome that I would love to see you're face everyday." Silence was loud. He seemed shocked and smiled again, confessed to me. I accepted obviously. He jumped like a kid he was so cute.

   We hold hands to class we were perfect couple. I love him so much.

  Few months later we broke up. I went somewhere else to model. It was hard for me to take those. It felt like he confessed yesterday but reality is telling me otherwise. If life was movie I'm not the main character, she is. Tought I will forget him if he was far. But only my love for him got bigger.

  When I went back to school he was with her. He even saw me with my cousin. I tried to explain but never got the chance I decided to not talk to him. I wanted to express my love once again. I stare at him every time when we are in class I would cry in night and smile in day. Never tought I would be crying because of one boy.

  Her and him got even closer. I was friends with her. Even I got separated from my friend group, got new friend group and she is in it it's hard to see.

  I told her I love him. But she still said she loved him. I think it is all my fault or I'm being ungrateful I should just give up and congrats to them.

The thing is she didn't really loved him at first and got feelings for him after I told her the truth.

They take almost every class together I didn't talked to Sam after our broke up but I admired him from a far while him giggling with his crush.

It is shame to say I love him after breaking up with him. They are such a great couple, but why do my eyes become wet after seeing them?

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