He understood me the best.

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      After Evan's apologize I kept overthinking about it he said don't worry about it but I just can't.

     I was sitting in my classroom when my classmate run to me saying "Misheelle did you and your bf broke up?" I replied "No, why?" Oh really I saw him hugging other girl" he said. "Wdym did you saw correct? He has common hairstyle yk?" I said hesitantly
"Yes ofc! Short has highlights, wears brown hoodie that has many words..."

    He was describing Evan it's hard to believe I didn't know why but my eyes got really teary and I stood up to see that. I walked to corridor and it was really Evan hugging another girl even holding hands w her there was a lot of people so they didn't noticed me.

    When I saw them I felt like my heart was breaking into pieces. Tears was dropping from my eyes, and I don't think it had end.

    I got into the classroom again and saw the boy talking with his friends and asking me if it was really Evan. Nothing came out of my mouth but tears were endless. My arms were hiding my face.

    Sam seated and asked me what was wrong, again just tears not words. The boy told Sam everything and said he should comfort me because we're friends.

    I felt warm hands on my back, felt like it was protecting me from the pain.
Tears were endless even when I wiped them. I told him it's okay it could be a misunderstanding and I will talk to Evan. Sam told me I shouldn't trust him too much.

    English class started. My teacher were really sweet and it was my fav subject my friend Arin she comforted me by saying you should talk to him.

    My teacher noticed my teary eyes and asked me what was wrong and ofc the boy told everything to the teacher. And teacher said it's okay life is hard sometimes and you should never give up when its hard. It was really sweet from her.

     I was walking to home after taking bus. Notification sound were crazy. I knew it would be Evan I didn't wait for him. It got bit annoying so I opened the messages.

Hey why didn't you
wait for me?

I bought you a candy
today and I forget🥲

Love? Are you mad?

I can see your active.

Love please talk to me?
I'm scared🥺

why are you keep seeing

I don't wanna talk rn

Can you please bother someone?

Like the girl you were holding hands w hugging?


      He left me on seen. I guess i was right. But why do I keep getting more and more teary eyes? It's not like I actually love him or something.

     Suddenly Sam texted me. He was on right time because I really needed someone to talk.


Emo boy
Hey did you talk to
your BF?

Yh just did

Emo boy
You wanna talk?


Emo boy
Yk damn well ik that jerk
didn't give you answer right?

Yh he didn't give me answer.

Emo boy
Look I'm sorry that it's happening
crying will make it worse so forget
about that jerk. And don't forgive him
easily k? I can beat him up if you want

Wow you know me better than
my bsf's thanks. Yh beat
him up I won't be sad

Emo boy
Alr you told it. Don't
complain later😏

Wait you fr?

Hey are you really gonna
him up?

Don't left me on seen.

Omg you were fr

Emo boy
Your bf has really big mouth

Emo boy
Look at what he said to me

Sent 8 photos.

Omg he swears like you
I tought he didn't swear a lot

Why did you said
"Bitch if you can't treat ur
girl don't get into relationships"

Emo boy
Because he can't treat you correctly
And plus even I didn't treat you like that
Oh yh I told him we were couple

Idk what to say

But thanks for supporting me

I didn't know you could care like that

Emo boy
I can care when it is
someone important

Emo boy
As you can see
we r gonna fight tomorrow

Okay punch him in the face

I believe in you

Oh yh give him a chance for first
punch so that you can have a excuse

Emo boy
Smart idea

Should I bring some medicine

Emo boy
No need to thanks for care

I'm the one to thank anyways

Reacted to your message❤

Hello if your reading this thank
you for reading. Sorry for the slow
Update but I have to study for really
important exams that I will take
next year.

I loved how you supported me...

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