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"You're so lucky. Kid Danger is SO hot!"

"Yeah, you don't wanna be saying that."

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Vanessa's POV:

I'm upstairs in Junk-N-Stuff, with Henry and Gooch. We are moving a Space Rock.

Henry picks up a potted plant, so Gooch can place the rock where the plant once was. 

"No, No. Move all those things to the side." Gooch orders.

Henry sighs and walks back. He pulls the table across the room. 

"Hey you guys!" Charlotte walks in. I look up to see her holding CORN DOGS.

I jump of the counter. "May I?" I point at a corndog.

"You may." She nods and hands me one.

Gooch turns away from the machine. "You are late for work." Gooch scolds the young girl.

"It's not my fault. There was a line at the Corn Doggery." Charlotte blames. 

Henry turns to Charlotte. "You got us corn dogs?"

I nod and take another bite. "Yeah, dude. They are amazing." I point to the box, and Henry pulls one out. 

"This is not corn dog time." Gooch says, and we all give him a look. "Okay, give me a corn dog." Gooch smiles and snatches one up.

Charlotte looks at the big machine. "So, what is all this?" She asks. 

"That, is a humongous rock." I point at the space rock. "Believe it or not."

Gooch nods. "From outer space."

"No, I mean what's this crane for?" Charlotte points.

I sigh. "Well, the humongous machine is meant to move the humongous rock. The rock is over seven thousand pounds."

"Wow." Charlotte's eyes widen. "Can I borrow this crane to move my big Uncle Rosco? Because he's been on our couch since Christmas."

Christmas was ten months ago.

"Darn it." Gooch is messing with the controls. "Which one of these controls makes the--"

The rock crashed right through the floor in front of my feet. I jump back and latch onto Henry and Charlotte. We can hear it hit every level down to the Man Cave.

The Man Cave.

That's where my dad is right now.


I race to grab my phone. "You dropped the rock." Henry complains to Gooch.

"Stop yapping, that things is going to fall all the way down to the Man Cave and hit my dad in the head! And then he's gonna die, or go bonkers, and I'll be homeless living on the streets." I say, focused on my phone, trying to call my dad's contact.

𝑪𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑨𝑰𝑵 𝑴𝑨𝑵'𝑺 𝑯𝑬𝑹𝑶Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz