Following the Unknown

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Down the roads
Of too many unknowns,
I never know where everything could go.

Passed the valleys,
Mountain tops to tragedies,
Subsequent victories and moments faulty,

It is all strung along
With a mind in intervals wishing to think shallow,
Given one choice; to inhale and follow

The undying change,
The quick approaching rain
And bittersweet stains,

A constant digress,
Barely noticeable when it's a genuine moment of rest,
Unwaveringly never prepared to address

The avalanche of heavy waves,
Fire rain,
Constant change

Of a life that feels so heightened of emotions,
Giving away and the decay of devotion,
Nevertheless concluded in erosion-

But I lay frozen
As the mass of life closes in
Silently, ever so quietly, watching the events unfold, as by me, they were not chosen.

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