Author's Note

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Hello friends, thank you for choosing to read Last Year's Flowers, and I do hope you enjoyed it!

I wanted to close on a note here that will hopefully encourage you, especially for those who have been walking through some dark seasons in your own life.

We might not receive the outcome we expected when something reaches its end- yet as heartbreaking as this can be, take courage- there's a better plan that exceeds our greatest expectations. We can become so fixed on what is not going our own way, locked on believing our way is the best way, but at times, we have to learn that our expectations must be let go of. Letting go is by far one of the most difficult things that need to be learned, but the struggle of learning this in the midst of suffering is what opens the door to our new beginning. Take the time to heal, but persevere through the trials, because some day soon, there is a way out of the darkness and into the sunlight of a fresh start.

With this in mind, I chose to attach this song as part of this note to you. I listened to this song before I published this book in August of 2023, and nothing could emulate the hope and rejoicing of a new starting point than this. With all being said, I hope you find the fresh wind to keep moving forward once again.

With much love,

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