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Your sleep was peaceful, or it was, until your phone started to ring. You rubbed your eyes and groaned as you twirled onto your left side and grabbed your phone, squinting at how bright it was.

'James Rhodes' - "Why is Rhodey calling me? What time is it..." You said in a gravely tone, checking the top of your phone to see it was nearly 4am. Your alarm would be going off in half an hour anyway, so it wouldn't hurt to start your day a tad earlier. You accepted the call.


"Rhodey.. Hey. Do you know what time it is?"

"I'm sorry, Tony asked me to call."

"Of course he did." You huffed as you rolled your eyes. "What does he want that he couldn't tell me himself?"

"He's on his way to the base so clear your scheduele for the day. He wants to meet with you and Nick."

You opened your mouth and let out a silent scream, before taking a deep breath and breathing out loudly so that Rhodey could hear how unimpressed you were. "James please tell me you're joking."

He let out a little laugh. "No, it's not a joke. Sorry - You know what he's like."

"Too well. Did he say anything else? Or just that he wants to come see me now that I've told him off for not seeing me."

"Nope, nothing else. Probably to do with you joining the Avengers?"

"I haven't even said yes yet!!" You said as you groaned deep in your throat. "Tell him to message me when he's here, oh I don't know. I'll go wait out for him. Thanks Rhodey." You rolled your eyes and got out of your warm, cozy bed that you were drawn to so badly.

"Speak soon Y/N." He said softly, ending the call.

You opened your wardrobe and pulled out a fresh Shield catsuit, laying it down on the bed as you kicked the one from last night across the floor in the direction of the laundry basket.
Rubbing your eyes slightly harder this time, you let out a yawn as you stretched your arms up and stood on your toes and began creeping toward the bathroom. You could barely walk straight, you prayed for the day to be over so you could get back into your bed and cozy up in solitude.
You grabbed your makeup bag and a face wash from the cupboard, washing your face gently and thoroughly with ice cold water, hoping it would wake you up a little bit more.

As you started to apply your makeup, you got lost in your own reflection, staring long and hard enough that your whole face vanished leaving just your eyes staring back at you. You felt at a loss. It felt as if Hydra had came back to invade your mind once more. You just wanted to forget all the pain and torture. It was hard enough that you went to your own grave every Sunday to lay flowers there since noone else did anymore.

After Hydra told your parents you were dead, they kept out hope for a few years. At around the 7 year mark, they realised that maybe they were telling the truth and decided to have a gravestone put down for you. Flowers were always there, and as time grew on, the flowers became less frequent until there were none there at all. None of your family knew you were alive. You knew they would have grieved over you, their only child, and you didn't want to hurt them any further. If Hydra knew you were still out there somewhere, they would hunt them down.
You saw visiting your grave as a way of honouring the strength you held in Siberia. Mourning the innocent little girl that they stole away from you. It was hard to go and visit your own grave, it made it hard to forget who you once were.

"That looks good." You whispered to yourself softly after finishing your look. Plain and simple makeup, you didn't want to be bold with it when you were working, it felt like you were putting a target on your back.
You walked back into the main bedroom and got changed, adorning your combat boots, holsters and harnesses. You clipped your ID badge to your top pocket and brushed your hair, slicking it back into a ponytail. You let out a big sigh and painted your face further with a friendly smile, walking out the door and wishing a good morning to everyone you passed.

"Early bird catches the worm, huh?" A soft, familiar voice called out from behind you as you reached the landing bay.

"Tony" You said softly as a smile lit up your face. Even if you were mad at him, it was always a pleasure to see him. He was holding a boquet of pink and white flowers. "Pepper said you'd like them."
You picked up the pace and walked toward him, holding out your arms for a hug. "It's good to see you Stark."

"I know it is, It's me." He responded with a cheesy grin, leading you to playfully slap him on his upper arm. "You look great, Y/N. Really healthy. You been eating that plant diet thing?" You tilted your head to the side slightly and smiled "Hahaha no, just heavy training I guess." You said with a low, soft tone, lightly grabbing his arm and turning him around to follow you to Nick's office.
The room filled with people greating Tony - "Mr Stark." "Good morning Mr Stark" "Good to see you, Stark." It was bittersweet.

Before you could knock the door, Tony opened it and waltzed in. "Fury." He said, nodding his head and smiling softly. "Are those for me?" Nick responded as he gazed upon the flowers. "Sorry pal, maybe next time."

"So, Tony, you wanted to see us." Nick started the conversation as you sat down in one of the soft leather chairs, followed by Tony.

"As you know, I want Y/N at the compound. And I know she's hesitant" Tony said with a sigh as he looked at you with his head tilted and his hands out above the table "But, I just can't take no for an answer."

"We know." You responded with a harsh scratch in your voice.

"I want you, with your permission of course, to give Y/N a week off so she can come and meet everyone, and see if she can settle. You know, get a yes out of her." You rolled your eyes a little too loudly.

"Tony, I have work to do." You huffed.

"The work can wait, we can fill your place for a week." Nick jumped in with no hesitation. "I told you I wanted you to go, Y/N."

You looked at him with begging eyes. "I can't believe this..." you sighed, dropping your shoulders.

"I know that look. You're giving in. Pack a bag for a week and meet me at the quinjet. You have an hour."

"Tony!!" You yelped before he could even finish. He got up to leave, shrugging his shoulders and handing you the flowers. "I told you. I don't take no for an answer."

He walked out the room with a smirk and shut the door softly behind him. "Well you heard the man! Pack a bag!" Nick shouted with a laugh.

"This isn't funny." You said, holding back a giggle and raising an eyebrow in his direction.

Winter Warmth - Bucky Barnes x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now