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You awoke slowly to some banging in the room next door. Bucky's room. It took you a moment to figure out what it was, but when you realised, you shot out of bed and put your slippers on.

You hesistated before knocking on his door lightly. "Bucky? Everything okay?" You stood in silence, but when you didn't get a response, you quickly rested your palm on the door, closing your eyes. You pulled the energy from behind the door to your fingers and used it to quickly scan around the room. It was a mess. You could see Bucky on the floor, with his head in his hands - you'd seen enough. You softly pressed down on the door handle and peaked your head in, taking a step forward and quietly closing the door behind you.

You could hear soft whimpers leave Bucky's mouth as tears streamed down his face. You knelt down beside him and gently lifted his head up by his chin. "What happened in here, Buck?"

"It was bad. It was really bad. I couldn't stop him."

"Stop who?"


You knew exactly who he meant. The Winter Soldier. It was his nightmares. He had smashed through his room in anger as he relived the murders of innocent people taken by his hands. You lifted up his arms and placed his hands on your face, kissing them softly to show him he didn't scare you.

"Let me clean up." You stood up, running your hand through his hair as he stood up behind you. "It's my mess. I'll do it."

"No, Bucky. Go back to sleep." You said sternly as you lifted a corner from his covers and pulled it back, quickly realising he had been sleeping on the floor. "I'll run you a bath. Stay there."

"No. Stop it, Y/N."

"Stop what? I know what they're like, James. You forget I lived it too. You need to rest."

"Please." His voice shook, a single tear running down his cheek. His eyes looked helpless, but you knew he wanted you to stay.

"Fine. I'll take the bed. Please Buck, just get some sleep." You kissed him softly on the temple as you slowly crept into his bed. This wasn't how you expected your first night together to go, but you couldn't watch him suffer silently and alone. You'd been there, and it ripped you apart.

You woke up before he could, cleaning his room and creeping around him so you didn't disturb him. He looked peaceful as he slept. You picked up each shard of glass one by one, placing them into the small waste basket under his night stand. It was only a lightbulb that had shattered - an easy fix.

Once you'd cleaned up the mess he'd made, you quietly left his room and walked to the commons. It was dark out, and everyone was still asleep. You grabbed two coffee mugs from the shelf and made two cups of coffee, taking them back to Bucky's room and softly placing them down on the night stand. You went back into your room quickly to grab your book and then crawled back into his bed, pulling the covers high up and making yourself comfortable. You took a sip from your warm coffee and opened the book to the page you closed it on, waiting for the sun to rise and for Bucky to wake up.

He began to stir, turning over on the floor in a sleepy daze and looking up, seeing you in his bed, giggling and smiling as you read your book and sipping on your coffee every so often. He smiled and turned back over. He was grateful for you being there, and grateful that you took the time out of your morning to clean and make him a coffee. He got up onto his knees and ran his hands through his hair. He was only wearing a pair of shorts and no shirt, his dog tags lying gracefully on his chest. You hadn't realised - he was sculpted like a god and once you noticed, you couldn't take your eyes off of his shiny, muscular build.

"Good morning." You smiled.

"Morning doll. How long have you been awake?" His voice was raspy and beautiful. "I'm sorry for waking you up last night."

"It's fine, Buck. I didn't wanna leave you alone. You feeling any better?" You closed your book and put it down beside you, grabbing your coffee and taking a sip.

"Much better now you're here. Did you sleep well?"

"I slept like a baby. Here, I made you a coffee. It might be abit cold though." You giggled, pointing over to the mug on the table.

"Thanks, doll. You didn't have to." He grabbed the mug and slugged it down, you could tell he needed it.

"Well I needed one, thought you might need one too when you get up. I hope you don't mind, I cleaned up while you slept. I didn't want you to step on any glass or anything."

"Thank you. Really." His smile beamed. "I'm gonna head in the shower. Feel free to stay if you want, you look comfy."

"I don't want to overstay my welcome, and I better go get dressed. I'll meet you in the commons though?"

"Sure thing." He stood up, the blanket falling from his waist as he made his way into the bathroom. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. He was amazing. The bathroom door closed, so you got out of his bed, picking up your book and rearranging the bed spread, making sure you left it as it was last night. You left through his balcony door, not wanting to draw suspicion if anyone was awake and in the hallway.

You ran yourself a bath - you were yet to test the bath's jets and thought now would be the perfect time. You threw your hair up into a messy bun and took your nightgown off, dipping your toes into the warm, bubbly water and then submerging your whole body. You laid there peacefully, inhaling the rose scented steam. Your mind kept going back to the image of Bucky's gorgeous body that had burned its way into your brain.

You picked out your outfit for the day - a beautiful navy jumpsuit. The top half had a collar and short sleeves, connecting the flared leg bottom half by a silver zip running down the middle. It had two small pockets on the breasts, with a white lining on the top of them. You put on your black kitten heel boots and your jewellery from last night, your necklace, bracelet and earrings, your hair still curled and voluminous from the night before. You didn't put on much makeup, only some mascara and a tinted lip gloss.

You grabbed your phone and headed out to the commons, taking your book with you. It was still early so most people were still in bed, nursing their hangovers. Luckily you'd slept yours off in the comfort of Bucky's bed. You made yourself another coffee and sat down on the couch, re-opening your book and beginning to read again.

Winter Warmth - Bucky Barnes x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now