Ready To Comply

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"Tony, can I have a word?" You asked softly, pointing in the direction of the hallway, lightly squeezing Bucky's arm. "I'll be back in a sec."

"What's up?"

"Look, Tony, don't say anything yet. I want to stay, but, on one condition." Tony's face lit up hearing you say you wanted to become an Avenger, his playful smile filled the hallway and gave you that warm, familiar feeling.

"I'm listening..."

"I want to do more than recon. I want a place in the bigger fights.. the fights that matter, like New York. I want to be on the team, and not just on the bench." You were anxious to say that, knowing how Tony struggled with coping after what happened that day in 2012.

"Why? I can't put you in a situation like New York, Y/N. You could get killed." His face riddled with worry and nerves.

"Tony. I was fighting something bigger than myself for almost a decade in Siberia, and I won. Now i'm fighting the small fights and gaining the small victories and it's not fulfilling. I want to put my skills to good use. I can't be a super soldier and only pick locks or steal boxes of paper for a living. It's boring!"
Your ambition and determination was Tony's doing. He would always tell you to walk into every situation with confidence and walk out a better person. He taught you well. It was only fair he let you use it.

"No promises. But, i'll see what I can do. You'll need to train with us, though. No matter how much training you've done with Shield - it won't matter if you don't know how to fight with us." He looked worried. He knew you wouldn't give up on getting what you wanted. That was his doing too.
He pulled you in for a brotherly hug, squeezing you until you could burst. "Just, don't. get. killed. Or kill me. Or anyone else. No killing." He chanted, walking away and back into the commons. "Only kill the bad guys!!" He yelled, pointing a finger at you as he glared at you from over his shoulder.

Before you could re-enter the room, you heard a 'clink clink' noise. It was Tony tapping a glass with a spoon.

"Oh no." You said under your breath, shaking your head in disbelief over what he was about to do.

"Gather round, gather round." He yelped, beginning one of his ridiculously long and self absorbed speeches. "As you all know, I brought Y/N here to get a taste of the Avenger lifestyle. SHE SAID YES!!" He shouted, jumping up and down, giddy and excited. "Get in here!!" He shouted to you, your cheeks burning red with anxiety. You began to step into the room - everyone running up to you to hug and congratulate you. All you did was join the Avengers, why does it need a celebration?

"Speech! Speech! Speech!" The crowd began to chant, woohoo-ing and whistling.

"Fine! Fine!" You began. "I knew I was gonna say yes before I even got here. I just hadn't really accepted it. Tony, you owe me a suit - where's my drink?" You laughed as you walked over to grab your glass, being stopped in your tracks by a smiling Bucky, hugging you "Welcome to the team." he whispered in your ear, kissing your temple gently in celebration.

"Well we've got no work to do tomorow, I think we should celebrate." Tony said across the crowd. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some calls to make. Get your glad rags on and come down to the events floor. You've got an hour!!" He announced. You shrugged your shoulders with a smile, shaking your head and walking toward your room. You wondered who he was calling.
Before you could open the door, Nat grabbed your shoulder and spun you around, pulling you into a hug and swaying from side to side.

"So you're one of us now, huh? Welcome to the team! I'm so glad I don't just have to wait for missions to see you." She pulled away, holding your shoulders and smiling at you warmly "I'll see you down there, put your best dress on" She whispered with a wink as she turned and walked down the hall and into her room.

You shut the door behind you and grinned from ear to ear. You were nervous about all this, it was such a big change and you weren't expecting it so soon. But it was for the best, you can't grow in an environment that won't let you.
Grabbing your bag from the bed, you pulled out your favourite dress - a beautiful black number from Dior. It grazed your ankles and had a big slit up the left side. The straps were encrusted with silver diamonds spelling the brand name. Even if you hated it, it was the only dress you had brought with you. It would go perfect with your black stilettos.
You held the dress up to your body, looking in the floor length mirror on the wall. You swayed from side to side, checking the angles of the dress and watching it move with you.
Laying it down softly on the bed, you worked your way into the bathroom to put on a new face of makeup. The same simple makeup you always do, with the added eyeliner and a bold, blue-toned red lipstick. You pulled your hair from your ponytail and let it drop down your shoulders. You quickly realised you hadn't brought a curling iron with you, only a straightener. You didn't want to fry your hair curling it with your straighteners, so you grabbed your phone and called Nat.

"Are you ready already? That was quick." She laughed.

"Well, almost. Can I borrow your curling iron? Pleaaaase?"

"On my way." She giggled as she hung up the call.

You let out a sigh of relief as there was a knock.
"It's Nat. I'll leave them outside for you." she said politely through the door. "Thank you!!" You yelled, opening the door and grabbing the iron.
You took it back into the bathroom and began to loosely curl your hair, leaving it down to flow freely when you move. You took a deep breath and looked at yourself, you felt so pretty. It was very rare that you wore red lipstick, mother told you to save it for special occasions. You classed this as a special occasion. A thought occured and then quickly drifted - you wished your mother could see you. She would be so proud of how you turned out, all your accomplishments and triumphs.

You headed back into the main bedroom trying to stay confident. You slipped off your clothes and put on your dress.
"Perfect" you whispered to yourself with a smile as you turned to look in the mirror. You put on your shoes and grabbed your perfume from the dresser. Vanilla Diorama by Dior. It was the one you wore everyday - your mother's favourite. It smelt like the open-door Patisseries on the streets of France.

Your phone buzzed. It was a group text from Tony.

'The bar's open. Head down whenever. Called in a few favours, you should see some familiar faces ;)'

You put on your jewelery - your 'G' pendant necklace, a delicate matching bracelet and some golden stud earrings. Looking in the mirror one last time to make sure you looked okay, you tucked the left side of your parted hair behind your ear and pulled out a black glittery clutch purse from your bag. You put your phone and your lipstick in there, and a sleeve of asprin for the hangover soon to come. It takes alot to get a super soldier drunk, but it wasn't impossible.

Another deep breath before you opened the door. People were walking from their rooms in suits and gorgeous dresses, making you feel a little less like you were over-dressed. Nat emerged from her room and waved to you as you stood in your doorway assessing the situation.

"My god, you look beautiful Y/N!" Natasha beamed as she grabbed your hand and spun you around. She was all dolled up, wearing a black fitted dress that lay just above her knees, some black heels and her signature red lip. "You look stunning, Nat. I love your dress!" You returned the favour and span her around too. You looked down with a smile as she grabbed your hand and walked with you down to the bar. You were getting excited now, as you had never really been to many parties. The ones you had been to were of course thrown by his truly, so you knew this one would be a good one too. Tony knew how to party - he didn't miss out on anything and had to make sure they were perfect.

Bucky wasn't far behind you, looking at you in awe as you waltzed down the hallway with Nat. He was wearing a fitted black shirt and black suit trousers - keeping the top buttons undone and looking a million dollars. He smiled and thought about how beautiful you looked. His nerves were through the roof, he didn't know if his secret had made things awkward between the both of you. It didn't, you just needed to find your feet.

Winter Warmth - Bucky Barnes x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now