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I was on my way home from school. I've had a lot of seminars since it's nearing the end of the semester and the start of summer break. At these times I was usually pretty inactive on social media in which I always let my fans know beforehand by posting a story or something similar to that.

However, this year, for some unknown reason, I was unable to do that. Actually, I had a reason but not a reasonable one. I was just too curious about whether I'm gonna be involved in some rumours or tabloids.

With my luck I was, indeed, involved in some lovely articles. Scratch the lovely part.

And to add to my unfortunate streak of bad things happening to me, Zane was messaging me almost everyday. However last night it all became too much so I decided to simply block him everywhere.

When I got home I had some free time so I used it to edit some of my videos. Then, of course, I had a couple of online classes that I joined in and worked

And this was basically my daily routine for about ten days straight. The days were practically indifferent and mixed into one.

However, one day when I was about to fall asleep, my phone vibrated with the announcement of someone calling me.

"Bonjour, Charlie," I sing-sang as I put the brown mess of my hair that fell to my face away so I could see properly.

"Bonjour, Elianna, how are you doing?" Charles replied with the same tone of voice as I previously used.

"You woke me up."

"Oh this is my cue to leave then—"

"Nooo, you woke me up then face your consequences," I stated with furrowed eyebrows. "Why are you calling this late?"

"It's literally eight in the evening?" Charles rhetorically asked, "Normally you're staying up a lot later in the night."

"I know but—yeah whatever. What are you up to right now?"

He answered almost immediately, happiness laced in the tone of his voice, "So it's the Monaco GP next week right...?"

I hummed quietly and he started talking again, "Meaning it's also my home race, meaning I want you to be there."

"Do you know the meaning of 'Yes, I'd love to go?' or should I explain it to you?" I chuckled.

"Please, don't make fun of me. It's not my fault I can't form a perfect English sentence that actually makes sense. I'm Monegasque, not native English," Charles whined with laughter.

"Oui, je suis désolé." [Yes, I'm sorry.] I said, "Did I form this sentence right in your language?"

"Muy bien, muy bien."

"Did you get that from Carlos?" I teased. Charles has never learned Spanish - from what I know, but of course, when he got teamed with Carlos, his vocabulary from the language has only increased.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "Now back to the topic, you coming? I think my mum talked to your mum?"

"Oh yeah, they did. Wait lemme look at my schedule," I sat up and put my phone on speaker. I kept my schedule on my phone because that was the best way for me to remember important events and more. It was filled with a lot of stuff, but fortunately not that many next week. "It's okay-ish."

"Meaning you're going?"

He and his meaning again. I chuckled, "Yeah. I don't think my siblings will make it because they're diligent students but I think me and my mum will make some time."

"Okay! Monday works for you?"

"I'll call mum but it does work with me," I confirmed with a smile.

"Perfect, we will enjoy it just like old times."

Just like old times.

I smiled at the thought. When we were younger and Charles was just starting with his career, during the Monaco GP me, my mum and my siblings would go to Monaco to spend the entire week with Leclercs and watch the F1 weekend together.

That was until we all became too preoccupied with work and school. It's sadly such an unfortunate timing for everyone, because we take exams or work.

But this year will be different. Well, for me at least.

It was Sunday evening and I was packing. And panicking. Why? The flight was right in the morning and I had nothing prepared yet.

Here's me sometimes leaving things for the last minute. Whenever that happened to me when I was younger, my dad always used to call it "you're leaving things to get rotten". I hated when he said that but I suppose I get what he meant by that now.

"What even is the weather like there?" I asked, standing in front of the camera that was propped up on one of the pillows on my bed. I was recording my journey again for a new vlog whilst having Amanda on the call.

"I'm not in Monaco so how would I know?" Amanda said with a sassy tone of voice. I gave her a dirty look that she could see because we were on FaceTime.

I groaned and threw my head back dramatically. I looked back at my closet and pursed my lips, "Do you think if I take jeans and a bunch of tank tops I'll be fine? I mean, I did that in America and I was good. Most of the time..."

"Bro you're going to Monaco and you want to take jeans?"

I laughed, "What?! It's my style!"

"I know but it's frickin' Monaco! The richest people live there, they're wearing fancy clothes, going to fancy restaurants and here you are wanting to take baggy jeans? Dear god help you, Eli," Amanda laughed at me.

"Good point," I pointed at her, "But still—ok I'll comply and wear some dress if you insist."

With another dramatic eye roll, I took my most Monaco-friendly dresses out of my closet and put them in the suitcase on the floor. And because I'm too stubborn for my own good, I also added the jeans and tank tops with cute sweater tops I can put on the tank tops too.

I'm going to be there for an entire week so might as well be comfortable and wear my own style, right?

When I was done with most of the packing, I stopped the recording on my camera and laid down on my bed, taking the phone to my hands. I immediately noticed that Amanda was smirking at her phone. "Why do you have that look on your face?"

She immediately started laughing, "Why do I have an edit of Lando Norris and you on my for you page?"

"WHAT?!" I yelled out, my eyes widening and Amanda only started laughing more.

"The caption says and I quote : new power couple of the internet."

Someone might as well shoot me in my head.

Then to add to the fuel, she said, "You guys look hot together tho."

"Amanda, stop it right there or I'm going to commit a crime."

I did not commit a crime that night but the rest of the call was filled with my friend often making jokes about the video she saw.

Secrets || Lando NorrisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang