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Monaco is my favourite place without any doubt. Of course, my home is England, however Monaco doesn't hold a single bad memory. And as it's said, home is where the heart is.

The four of us found ourselves on the couch, relaxing after eating our food and watching a movie. I was sitting between Lando and Genevieve, who had Charles laying with his head in her lap, sleeping peacefully as she stroked her fingers through his dark hair.

Everyone seemed to be tired, except for me. Watching the action of the movie on the TV, absolutely ignoring the plot, a new idea brewed in my head, "I think I might go for a walk, do you guys want to come with me?"

Genevieve turned her head to me and motioned to Charles with a sheepish smile, "As much as I'd love to, I think this one is nowhere near letting me."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully, turning to Lando with raised brows, at which he shrugged lazily, "I guess I can, I'm bored of the movie anyway."

"It's actually one of Charles's favourites, if I were you I'd be happy he's asleep now," I commented as I stood up and went to get my purse.

Lando and I walked out of Charles's place and headed down to the docks, going through the streets covered in papaya-like hues of golden sun. As we walked down, I couldn't stop the smile forming on my lips as I looked around.

I was wearing my long black dress with thin straps, flowing at the bottom due to the gentle breeze. My hair was down, curled from my previous braids. Lando was wearing a black outfit, a button down with the first few buttons undone as usual and his signature sunglasses on - this time actually shielding the sun, and a camera in his hand.

It was funny to me that the two of us usually went with dark coloured outfits - and for some reason we always matched perfectly.

"What's the reason you like Monaco so much?"

Stopping in my tracks and turning to Lando, who was a little further behind me, I leaned my head to the side and answered, "It's the only place nothing bad happened in. When my parents were going through divorce and I had my own problems, I actually ran away here once."

An amused laugh with a hint of surprise left the Brit, raising his eyebrows at me, "Are you telling me that Elianna Iris Davidson, the usual scaredy cat, ran away to Monaco?"

"Yeah, true story," I chuckled and leaned on the wall behind me, "I was a very rebellious kid. A disobedient one as well..."

"I never–well actually, I did run away a few times as well," he admitted, standing in front of me with a grin, "But due to living in the middle of literal nowhere, I was usually accompanied by deers..which was sometimes freaky."

Imagining a little Lando running away from his house and getting met with wild deers was a hilarious thing, making me snort, "When I was at my dad's ranch, I usually sneaked to the stables during the night and went for a ride."

"You weren't afraid of falling and the horse leaving you?" he looked concerned.

Shaking my head with pursed lips, "No, I was never afraid. Speaking of which, my brother told me to stop by at the ranch and if I remember correctly– you promised you'd try horse riding with me?"

"Oh no–no, I'm in no way trying that again," he said in a hurry, shaking his head from side to side and I rolled my eyes, giving him a look at which he took a deep breath, "Okay, I could watch you and think about it–"

"There we go!" I exclaimed cheerfully with a jump, "You're going to want to try it, trust me."

He shrugged, "If it's persuasive enough."

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