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The next morning I woke up to the sun shining straight to my face. I immediately knew something was not normal, because I always put my blinds down. Sitting up straight on my bed, I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room that seemed to be normal.

And then I heard a loud bang in my living room, that made me jump from my bed and carefully, not making any sound, I sneaked into my living room. When I spotted what made the sound seconds ago, I stood there dumbfounded.

Lando was on the floor, wrapped in one of my fluffy blankets with the hood of his black hoodie on and rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.

Last night we were talking till late at night, what precise time we decided to go to sleep is unknown for me. But by the look of Lando, it was very late. He had dark circles under his eyes and most likely didn't sleep much - even though my sofa is very comfortable to sleep on.

"Do you take smoking as a form of relief?" I asked yesterday, because something finally clicked. Once he started to look like he was in his thoughts after I told him my story with mental health issues, he wanted to smoke.

"Yeah," he replied without any further thought, "I'm very aware that it's not healthy, and that I should stop. I know. But this is the only thing that helps me whenever..."

"Things get too heavy," I interrupted and he gave me a sad smile.


The thought of Lando going through something was definitely a question I wanted to ask, but it was clearly his decision on whether to tell me or not.

"The fuck," his voice was hoarse from waking up just few moments ago, he huffed and leaned his back against the couch. He looked around his surroundings and when he spotted me, he arched a brow, "Did I fall down?"

"Most likely, I heard a bang," I shrugged and leaned on the doorframe that separated the bedroom and living room.

"What time is it even? I'm so disoriented," he murmured and put the blanket away back to the basket.

Looking at the clock on my nightstand and then back at Lando, I revealed, "Nine AM."

"Nine? Only?"

"Yeah, pretty late," I pursed my lips. Normally I'd already be dressed and after breakfast, either doing school or YouTube videos.

He gave me a weird look, "What do you mean late? It's so frickin' early."

"Yeah, but no if you want to be productive," I commented and adjusted the oversized t-shirt I still had on since yesterday, "Want to make some breakfast?"

"What does your kitchen offer?" Lando was eager to ask as he stood up, slowly walking towards the kitchen on the other side of the room. It was as if he had been here a million times before and he felt at home. Which..he could I suppose.

Walking behind him, I revealed, "Well, not much, since I only have some chosen food I don't mind."

"Oat flakes?"

"I think you could find them somewhere..yeah," I propped myself against the kitchen island as he moved from counter to counter, looking for the oat flakes.

When he managed to find them, he smiled triumphantly, "Today you're going to have Lando style brekky."

A chuckle left my mouth as he started to make something with the oat flakes. I let him do his work, as I jumped on the counter and watched as he made the oatmeal, in which he added yoghurt to it and sliced pieces of banana on the side, which he decorated with pouring honey on top.

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