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"I'm sorry, what?" Charles said with wide eyes and a serious face.

Right as I came back from the meeting with McLaren's PR manager Zoe, I called Charles on FaceTime, as we previously agreed on doing, and told him everything - even when I wasn't supposed to spread the idea anywhere. Charles is exception.

"They asked you to date him?"

"Fake date him. Fake, Charles, it wouldn't be real," I corrected and hid my face in the palms of my hands, "What do I do? I don't know what's right and what's wrong."

To be fair when I got to know that Lando did ask his team for advice on what to do, I was more than happy about it. But what I didn't expect, even in the wildest dreams of mine, was them coming up with an idea of me and him faking a relationship.

I knew that if I would agree to it, it would probably just be the same as now. People talking about us and thinking about us as a happy, pretty couple. The truth is that I did notice the increase in the views on my videos and the following in general. And I did like it.

But could I possibly agree to something like pretending a relationship with a guy that I don't even know that much, only to maintain the activity of the audience? That would essentially mean me committing to someone I have no feelings for.

Yes, I could see where they are coming from, but are they that selfish that they don't think about the fact it would ruin every chance of me or Lando finding a happy fulfilling relationship that's real?

One side of me was saying yes. However the other side of me was saying the exact opposite. Mind the fact that me being a hopeless romantic and having a bunch of books read about the fake relationship trope, I already knew how this usually ended.

The two people falling in love. And that's something that I certainly didn't want to happen.

"And what would this relationship consist of?" Genevieve chimed in.

"Posting pictures on social media, going out together..Just the basic lovey-dovey things people do in relationships."

"Does that involve kissing as well?" she asked.

"NO!" I yelled immediately, caughting myself off guard, "Oh my god, no-"

"Calm down, I'm sure they wouldn't let you go that far," Charles said calmly, "It's probably a good opportunity but I'm taking the no side."

"Bad for you, I'm leaning more towards the yes side," Genevieve challenged and Charles threw her judging look, "What? Have you seen these two together? Their chemistry is immaculate."

"If you think there's some sort of chemistry between the two, it's certainly deadly, Elianna was about to kill him when he wasn't responding."

"Okay you two, I think I know the best about what is between me and him and that is nothing," I made sure to put the emphasis on the last word, "Look, me and Lando are opposites. He's the current leading World Champion, in which he actually won it three times before. He's famous, with playful and reckless behaviour, he goes out with random girls and he smokes."

"He smokes?" Genevieve asked with arched brows.

"Yeah he does, you never noticed it in the paddock?" Charles turned to his girlfriend.

"Whatever! The point is that-" I stopped mid sentence and threw my head back with a groan, "I don't know what the point is, I don't know anything."

"Okay, let me tell you something. There are both pros and cons in this deal, and I will be here for you no matter what you decide for. But the only thing I'm concerned about is you possibly getting hurt, which is the last thing I want to happen," Charles said in a serious tone, looking at me through the camera.

I gave him a small smile and looked down at my lap, fidgeting with the rings on my fingers, "I suppose it's the time for me to overthink?"

"This is probably the right time to overthink, yeah," he chuckled.

And I did think about it. A lot. After I ended my call with Charles and Genevieve, having two different opinions on the situation, I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling.

Then I decided to text the one person who was involved in this as well.

What do you think about this?

About what?

Don't play dumb, Lando.
This whole fake dating stunt.

I don't know what to think
I'm thinking yes and no at the same time
But honestly it's more up to you, I believe sooner or later I'd end paired up with
someone else anyway

What do you mean?

PR stuff

Do you think this could work?
I mean, I still don't know you enough
to trust you to handle faking it

Are you underestimating my ability to lie?

That's not what I said.

So you're the one who's afraid?

I'm not afraid


I'm actually pretty good at lying,
I doubt your skills are as high as mine

I'd bet my fortune that you're not
better at lying than me

Bet anything you want, I'll gladly win it

Prove it

The competitive side of me never died. And I realised it as I let myself get controlled by that trait when I made the important decision.

Game on, fake boyfriend

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