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The Sunday in Monza was filled with anticipations for the Formula 1 Grand Prix. Many fans have been crowding up the grandstands since early in the morning and eager energy roamed around the whole place right as we arrived.

And even I have to say that compared to yesterday I felt better, rather focusing my attention to what was going on around me. But right as me and Lando stepped into the McLaren hospitality, my smile washed away from my face.

"Oh, hi Lando!" the squeaky voice definitely wasn't something I'd hoped to hear ever again since that weekend in Hungary. "And Elianna.."

"Nina, nice seeing you again," Lando let go of my hand as the girl with dirty blond hair approached us and attempted to pull him in a hug, which he turned only into a side hug. "Greetings, Osc and Lily," he fist bumped Oscar and side hugged Lily.

"Hi," I only nodded at Nina, who's been staring at me with her big eyes full of envy to a point where I'd made me almost laugh in cringe. Lily pulled me into a hug and I fist bumped Oscar as well, who also looked not so fond of his girlfriend's cousin attending the race day.

"How did you enjoy your summer break? I saw you were in Italy, it looked lovely," Lily started a conversation with me as we moved to sit on one of the sofas, whilst the McLaren drivers went to their team.

"It was magical, definitely one of my most favourite vacations ever. I'd love to go back," I caught myself smiling widely at the thought. "How about you?"

"We went to Australia to see Oz's family of course and spent a few days there. I loved it," she replied with a smile similar to mine.

Nina, who was sitting a little further from us for whatever reason, cleared her throat, "I actually went to Italy as well, then I mainly spent a few days in Monaco last week."

"Really?" Lily sounded confused, " "How come I didn't know up until now?"

"I was just hanging out with a friend that moved there, nothing that special," Nina shrugged unbothered but the sly look in my way wasn't left unnoticed by me. I really couldn't care less what this girl had to do with her life, but the way some things she said made me start connecting things that I shouldn't nonetheless.

To escape the reality at least a little bit, I took my phone and scrolled on my socials. Which also turned out to not be such a smart idea.

Trouble in paradise?

Lando Norris, the current leading Formula 1 Champion, was seen with a mysterious lady on Sunday morning. The Brit has been dating with a British social media influencer, Elianna Davidson, in the last three months, and have been last seen together two weeks ago.

Although the couple hasn't stated anything along the lines of splitting ways, some of the fans grew unsure about their relationship when the Formula 1 driver was in a car with a female that wasn't his girlfriend.

[twitter comments]

Are Lando and Elianna ok?

Chat I'm scared

Wtf are you people on about, Lando belongs to Elianna !!!

Guess he got bored again

Is he cheating on Eli?

Do you think Elianna knows about this?

Screw this, Landianna for life.

Elianna isn't that active anymore, could it be because of it???

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