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"You're gonna wake her up!" a voice whisper yelled.

"Oh shut up, you muppet, she's completely knocked out," a different voice, further away from me, replied back.

"Did you ever sleep with her? Because if you did you'd know that she wakes up very easily."

"You slept with her?!" a confused whisper yell that made me stir into my pillow, except I noticed that it was a lot harder than a pillow.

"Oh my—not like that, you idiot!" a voice that I recognised belonged to Lando, spat back right in the moment I started opening my eyes.

"The hell?" I croaked, my voice betraying me, as I slowly regained consciousness of my surroundings.

I was still in Max's streaming room in their house. The last thing I remembered before I fell asleep was the comforting presence of Lando, who managed to put me to sleep in his lap as if I was some little child. Oh wait—

Lando was looking down at me, leaned against the wall behind him, holding me tight against his body as I layed on him, which was a different position than I remember. Max wasn't streaming anymore and was now standing in front of us with a hand over his mouth, the other holding a phone in his hand, pointing at me and the Brit behind me - or, under me.

"See? Told you," Lando spoke triumphantly, annoyance also apparent in the tone of his voice as he looked up to Max.

The other Brit scratched the back of his head and squinted his eyes at me, "Did you sleep well, El?"

I scrunched my nose and rubbed my eyes that felt too heavy, "For how long?"

"An hour? Pretty much," he replied and then reached for his phone that was on the desk, "Uh, anyway. I think P was calling me earlier that we will get some food and come back. Do you guys want something?"

"Rice, that's the only thing I'm allowed now," Lando replied with an uninterested tone of voice, my whole vision raising up and down as he spoke due to laying on his chest. But I was too sleepy and my whole body sore to actually care enough to get up.

"I don't want anything," I said simply and closed my eyes again, hearing a quiet ok from Max and then him leaving the room, leaving me and Lando alone in the house.

There was a little moment of peace and quiet, only mine and Lando's breathing the sounds breaking the silence.

His hand rested on top of my hand that was on my exposed belly below the rolled up hoodie I wore, rubbing small circles with his thumb. The feeling of his presence was comforting, but I couldn't shake off the feeling of being cold as goosebumps raised on my skin.

He reached out his other hand to my face and pressed it to my forehead, "Hey, Sparkles, are you ok?"

I squeezed my eyes that were still closed and managed to get out, "Yeah."

Lando suddenly sat up, taking me with him, his arm wrapped around my waist for support, the other one pressed to my forehead again to check my temperature. To be fair, I was feeling cold and tired, but it wasn't anything that bad to be concerned about.

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