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Loud banging on the door roamed in the entirety of my apartment. I quickly jolted up from my bed and still half asleep looked through the peephole, seeing a curly mess of dark hair, immediately aware of who it was.

"Why the fuck do I have my own sister on my for you page dancing - close enough to make me gag - with a Formula 1 driver, mind as well one of the most known British drivers, and I have no clue about what's going on?!" My little brother passed me like a ghost, leaving me wide eyed next to the door that almost hit me in the face as he entered.

"Bloody hell," I rubbed my eye and closed the front door of my apartment and locked it before turning to my brother, who stood in the middle of my hall with crossed arms and fumming expression. "Not even a good morning? Didn't I raise you well?"

"My parents raised me, mind you."

"Your parents are my parents as well, mind you," I argued back and narrowed my eyes at him, still fighting to keep them open due to the bright light from outside.

Somehow we got to my living room, where I immediately plopped down on the sofa and buried my head in one of the pillows. Since I got back from Austria I was super tired and lazy to do anything. Which...wasn't any different from before I went there.

"So will you tell me when you decided to marry Lando Norris?"

"Oh my god Finn you're unbearable!" I complained out loud and shot my head up from the pillow, throwing it at him. "I'm not married to him, I'm just..seeing him. Ok? Nothing more, nothing less."

"And why did I discover it over social media? Why didn't you text me?" he asked, serious now and it made my heart sink in disappointment in myself.

I should've told him. Same with my sister and Amanda. The problem is that if I decide to tell them, I'm scared I won't be able to lie to them. It was already difficult to lie to Daniel or other drivers, and lying to your family is even harder.

"I'm sorry, I really am. You shouldn't get to know it through social media because sometimes it says bullshit and lies.." I sighed and put my hand on his, rubbing small circles over with my thumb.

"So you're dating him?" he peaked at me, his curly hair covering half of his eyes.

I let out a loud breath, "I...yes. It happened quickly and I just..didn't know how to tell you guys. Since all that drama with Zane– I wasn't really sure I wanted to date anyone but then it suddenly happened."

"I talked with Charles and he said that Lando helped you get away from Zane, respect for him for doing that."

I arched my brows and asked, "You and Charles talked about me and Lando behind my back?"

"Well, yeah, you were one of our topics."

"Good to know that I have shittalkers in my close circle," I remarked and Finn chuckled, poking me in my arm.

"Hey, even when I'm still pissed that you didn't tell me, I appreciate that you were straightforward with me now. But one more thing, is he treating you right?"

"If you're implying that if he's treating me better than Zane then your answer is yes. Without any doubt."

"Zane was a prick," he swore, anger taking over him. He never liked my ex-boyfriend and now I could finally see why. I guess I was just too blind to see whatever red flags he carried in him when I was dating him.

I looked at my brother with a lopsided smile. He gave me a look and I scrunched my nose, "I missed you, idiot, even when you're assaulting me with insults all the time."

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