Chapter 19

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Slim pickings tonight. I can sense Aida's disappointment, perfectly reflecting my own emotions as I glance around the club. The dance floor is packed with gyrating bodies as usual, but it's a Sunday night, six days after my run-in with Cade, and the only people left in clubs are those who are either desperate or depressed. I wonder what that says about me...

There's not a single Alpha in sight, and even the Betas are scarce, a couple of them obviously just there for business reasons. I sigh, taking a sip from my beer. I haven't even made an effort tonight, not that it would have helped my cause particularly. I have no increased effect on Omegas, although that doesn't stop a couple of them from glancing my way, eyes raking my curves. Just the usual effect of a hot female really, none of those delicious mate tingles to influence them. Maybe I'll just be dancing tonight then.

I down my beer, placing it on the bar before I make my way into the throng of people gyrating on the dance floor. My hips quickly find the rhythm of the music and I close my eyes, letting my mind drift away as my body takes over the control of my actions. I dip and shimmy, feet tapping out complex steps on the ground. My eyes are only half open, enough to allow me to avoid bumping into other people but not enough to really take in what's going on around me.

The music choice tonight is particularly good though, which is surprising for a Sunday night. They usually only use pre-recorded mixes on the less popular nights, or at least they do in this club. But it sounds like a pretty good DJ is on the discs tonight.

Sweat drips down my body as I speed up my moves, losing myself to the music. The club isn't busy enough to restrict my movements, but there are enough people to create a bit of heat in the room, and the bright lights shining above also heat me up.

Finally, I cave, heading to the bar for some relief in the form of a glass of water and a shot of tequila. I lean on a stool, trying to catch my breath as I gulp first at the water and then down the shot, finishing it with a slice of lime. My eyes scan the room, trying to pick out the particularly talented DJ in the hopes I can make some song requests.

I spot them in the corner of the room, the figure in the dark not at all who I expected to see. Ombre, the club I'm in, usually goes for the hot, mysterious type of DJ but today there's just a lanky kid standing behind the mixing table, floppy hair falling in his eyes as he bobs his head in time with the music. I move closer, trying to sniff him out. On closer inspection, he's probably not a kid, likely mid-twenties, but without the gifts of puberty he looks much younger. He catches my eye and raises an eyebrow in my direction. His eyes discreetly scan me, giving me a once over, but he raises his eyes respectfully back to my face, not lingering at my boobs like many others would have done.

He smiles slightly at me then glances down, his hands working the decks. Suddenly the bass evens out, transitioning smoothly into the next song. His eyes are back on me before I have time to register the change, which means he sees the surprise that flits across my face, followed by pure happiness as I recognise the tune of one of my favourite songs. My hips start to bounce of their own accord and he grins happily, the smile making his face surprisingly cute. I grin back at him, hips shimmying slowly as my hands stroke the sides of my body.

He continues to watch me as I dance along to his music, obviously enjoying the show I'm giving him. I've always known I could dance, but having someone look at me like that whilst I'm moving gives me a kind of confidence I've never felt on a dance floor and my moves steadily speed up, blending together into a smooth flow, my body moving in intricate patterns. Credits to the DJ, he keeps up his good choices, somehow managing to read my movements and giving me the perfect songs to continue my sensual dance.

After a while I lose myself in the dance, no longer aware of the DJ's eyes on me even though he continues looking long after I've lost interest, his gaze glued to the movements of my body. Then the music changes again, a complete genre change that pauses my dance instantly. I whirl around, trying to catch the eyes of my DJ again, but a different wolf is standing at the tables, one of the usual mysterious tattooed types. I grimace, scanning the booth for my new favourite DJ. That's when I spot the sign pinned to the notice board behind the booth, advertising Sunday nights as the trial run for new and upcoming DJs. Well, the last guy definitely had my vote. This new one, not so much.

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