Chapter 37

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Unsurprisingly (hopefully) a lot of smut in this one! Hope you enjoy xx

Warnings: threesome, lesbian sex, spanking hint, married couple. 

I push Adina down onto the sofa, straddling her as my lips explore the contours of her body through her clothes. Slowly, my fingers follow my lips, undoing the buttons of her cropped blouse, each one allowing the garment to open further, revealing inch by beautiful inch her perfect body. When I finally reach the bottom of the cream top, I allow my lips to travel back up, skimming her soft skin with my tongue, tasting her.

Reaching her neck, I use my thumb to angle her head to the side, my lips grazing the skin of his neck, tongue swirling patterns as I lick and suck my way up her jaw line, teeth nipping her ear just to hear the sweet sound of her sharp gasp. Then I'm back to her mouth, claiming it once again, hands exploring the contours of her bra as I she submits to the dominance of my tongue, allowing me to explore her fully. Beneath my fingertips, her skin is as silky as I ever could have imagined, a velvet softness that never ends, a warmth that instills in me the need to be closer, the need for more. And so I give in, allowing my lips to finally explore further down, where I so desperately want to taste, skimming the top of her bra yet my hesitation to pull it down still lingers, unsure of what I should do.

Luckily, Isaac is there to help, reaching over to expertly unclasp the bra, it falls to the side, instantly forgotten. I allow myself barely a moment to appreciate the soft curves of her breasts before my mouth is upon them, first softly, then as her responses grow in volume, more harshly. I swirl my tongue slowly around her nipple, enjoying the hum she gives me in response, then flick it over the hardened bud, smiling slightly at the gasp that escapes her at the heightened sensation. I repeat the action a couple of times before her hands are in my hair, pulling me down, encouraging me to take her fully into my mouth.

The sensation of new hands on my waist is my first warning that Isaac has moved, my entire being so focused on this new experience that I had partially forgotten his presence in the room. His hands skim down my waist, and unwilling to ignore him completely I wiggle my hips slightly, rolling them in his palms. Reaching around he unbuckles my cargos, skimming them easily down my legs. When he reaches my knees, I shift slightly to help him ease them off, Adina reaching up simultaneously to undo the lacing on my corset top.

Isaac's hands travel back up my legs, fondling my backside as he watches me continue to make out with his wife, before continuing to my waist. In one swift movement, he lifts me up slightly, positioning himself on the arm of the sofa so that his knees rest just below me. Lowering me back down, I gasp as I find that he's positioned himself perfectly so that I'm able to sit comfortably on his knees, effectively riding it. Hands still on my hips, he holds them in place as his leg starts to bounce and I moan loudly, the rough material of his trousers easily creating friction through my thin lingerie. Each movement of his leg sends shivers through me, turning me into a trembling mess.

Beneath me, Adina moans loudly as I part my lips on instinct, biting her bottom lip as I feel the delicious lick of heat in my core. Finally, she removes the corset, her arms reaching up to wrap around me. The feel of her skin against me, all over me, it's as amazing as I ever thought it would be. It's like fire and ice, like she would make passion burn wildly within me, yet is able to cool the fire in the same touch. Fuck, she's going to be the end of me.

I run my hands down her abdomen, feeling her muscles flutter in response, and suddenly I'm desperate to hear her moan again, to feel more of her, to taste her. Reaching her chinos, I unbutton them, struggling to do so as, behind me, Isaac continues to grind my core against his knee. Eventually I'm forced to give up, the distraction from the contact and the limited space to manoeuvre making my goal impossible. So instead I stand up.

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