chapter 7: back in action

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A little bit later Catboy started to come around and when he did he saw that he was strapped to a table and all limbs were strapped his arms, legs, body, tail, and even his head a little bit. He also had something on his head that was connected to a machine.

Catboy: where am I. he said as Romeo and Xaviax cam into view

 Romeo: I see you finally woke up

Catboy: what do you want with me

Xaviax/human: we have plans for your friends and you are part of it

Catboy: speaking of friends, what happened to the other riders

Xaivax/human: they got vented by me, basically they are gone right now but as long as Eubulon is around they can come back

Catboy: my friends are going to stop you two and save me

Romeo: we will see about that kitty cat. he said as he pulled a lever and started the machine

Catboy then felt his head hurting like crazy and screamed as he was getting effected by the machine and Romeo and Xaviax just stood there with evil smiles on their faces.

Meanwhile Kit, Len, Eubulon, and the five power heroes arrived at an apartment building

Amaya: so this Adam lives here

Len: yep this is his home

Kit: how do you know this

Len: we may not fight with each other anymore, but we still keep in touch with each other. he said before he knocked on the door

Len: lets just hope he is home

A few seconds later someone answered and that someone was Adam. The power heroes were shocked to see that Adam looked exactly like Kit

Adam: Len. he said as he gave him a little hug

Adam: Kit. he said as he fist bumped him

Adam: Eubulon. he said as he bowed a little 

Eubulon: Adam it's nice to see you again

Adam: what brings you guys here and who are the kids. he said as he looked at the power heroes

Eubulon: we need to talk to you

Greg: but first can you explain to us why Adam looks exactly like Kit

Ivan: does Kit have a twin

Len: Adam is the ventarian twin of Kit, everyone on Ventara has an identical twin on Earth

Newton: so do we have a twin in Ventara

Kit: maybe but that doesn't matter right now we need to talk. he said as Adam let all of them inside

After that they explained everything to Adam about Xaviax returning and the riders vented and they told him about Catboy being captured.

Adam: that is a lot, so what do you want with me

Kit: we want you to help us. he said as Eubulon stepped in front of him and held out the Onyx deck

Eubulon: Adam we are not asking or forcing you to come back but we would like your help in dealing with Xaviax again

Adam: right now I can not believe you guys

Eubulon: and what can't you believe

Adam: I can't believe...........that you had to ask me to help. he said as he grabbed the Onyx deck and it glowed in his hands

Adam: but when Xaviax is gone I am done

Eubulon: deal. he said as the heard the deep whistle sound and even the power heroes heard that one

An Yu: what was that

Kit: you guys heard that

Amaya: loud and clear but what was it

Adam: that sound means Xaviax's minions are coming.

Eubulon: Adam and Kit deal with it, everyone else come with me back to base. he said as Kit and Adam left the apartment and the others went into a mirror

Later Kit and Adam arrived at the scene and they saw a monster with three red eyes with some grunts

Kit: you remember how to do this

Adam: there are things you don't forget. he said as he stuck out his advent deck followed by Kit doing the same thing as their belts appeared

both: KAMEN RIDER. they said as they put their decks in the belt and then they got their armor on (Adam's suit looks and has the same powers as Kit's it is just black)

They both then activated their sword vent cards and both got their swords. They made quick work taking care of the grunts but the monster grabbed it's gun and shot at them which they dodged. Both then took out a different card that is the same thing and activated them with their things saying "Strike Vent" and then Kit got a thing like a boxing glove but it looked like a red dragon head, Adam got the same thing but it was black. Both then made a punching move and when they did their dragon advent beasts appeared behind them and they both let out a thing of fire at the monster which hit it and it made hit drop its gun

Kit/Dragon Knight: you want to finish him

Adam/Onyx: of course I do. he said as he took out his final vent card and activated it

He then floated up a bit as his black dragon advent beast came behind him. He then made a kick pose as the dragon shot black fire at him which made him go flying and delivered a fire kick which hit the monster and destroyed it

Kit/Dragon Knight: nice job

Adam/Onyx: it is different from the final vent you do, but I got it. he said as the two shared a high five

Kit/Dragon Knight: come one lets get back to base. he said as they went into a near by mirror

What they didn't know was that Romeo and Xaviax was watching than and are both surprised by what they saw

Romeo: there are now two dragons and two people that look the same

Xaviax/human: so Adam has decided to join in like that will matter

Romeo: our secret project it coming together isn't it

Xaviax/human: of course. he said as two monsters that look like sharks appeared behind him

Xaviax/human: they will be in for a big surprise

Meanwhile at the base, Kit and Adam came out of the mirror and the power heroes were back in their suits

Eubulon: how did it go

Adam: the threat was taken care of

Eubulon: good but we still have Xaviax to deal with and we still are a few riders short

Owlette: so what do we do. she said as Len went over to the other riders

Len: I have an idea about that but Eubulon, Kit, and Adam can we talk in private first. he said as the three agreed

So they went to talk leaving the power heroes confused. They talked for a while and at the end of it they agreed with Len's idea and went back to the others

That is it for this chapter. They managed to get Adam to join them as Kamen Rider Onyx and now they are working on their next move. Comment down below what you think Romeo and Xaviax did to Catboy, what their secret project could be, and/or what you think Len's plan is. Len's plan will be revealed next time, see you then.

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