chapter 12: a NEW rider

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The riders kept looking at the dark corner as Xaviax's and Romeo's new ally was coming out. A few seconds later he was in visible light and they were surprised by what they saw. The new ally was a KAMEN RIDER who had light blue color armor with it themes after a shark.

(here is what the new rider looks like (the thing on his left arm is where he activates his cards, and it can come and go as he pleases/needs))

(here is what the new rider looks like (the thing on his left arm is where he activates his cards, and it can come and go as he pleases/needs))

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Owlette/Siren: you guys didn't tell us you had a Kamen Rider like that

Len/Wing Knight: because we don't

Adam/Onyx: you made your own rider, how. he asked a little surprised

Romeo: well it was thanks to my intelligence and technology that I have. he started

Xaviax/human: and to my knowledge of your decks that we were able to make our own rider that we call Kamen Rider Bite. he finished

Xaviax/human: now get them. he commanded

Bite then took out a card and put it in the activator (the mouth part) and closed it with it saying "Sword Vent" and then he got two swords that look like spine bones and started to attack them. They managed to dodge some attacks and Gekko quickly put his armor back on and right when it finished Bite grabbed him and dragged him into a mirror as the others followed.

A few seconds later, Bite and Gekko came out of a mirror and were on a street. Then the others came out and they surrounded him each had summoned one of there weapons (Dragon Knight was his dragon head, Wing Knight, Siren, Strike, Onyx was their sword, Sting was his whip, Troque was his giant blaster, and Axe was his giant tiger paws and claws)

Len/Wing Knight: lets see how the new guy is

Wing Knight and Onyx then went to strike him but Bite blocked their swords and then struck them forcing them back. Then Strike and Axe went to attack but Bite did the same thing.

Kit/Dragon Knight: see if you like this. he said as he did a punch move and sent fire his way

But to his surprise Bite just cut the fire that was coming at him with one of his swords. He then took another card out and activated it with it saying "Strike Vent" and he got a thing on his right arm that looked like a shark's head and then he did a punch move and out came a lot of water that hit Kit and forced him back.

Owlette/Siren: see if you can handle this sharky. she said as she came at him and was going to strike him

But when Owlette was about to strike him where his neck meets his left shoulder she just froze. She struggled to move the sword down anymore as Bite then punched her with his shark fist. She went to punch him back on the left side of his head but she froze before she could hit him again. Bite then kicked her and then she just looked at her hands.

Owlette/Siren: what is going on. she wondered in her head

Torque and Sting then were about to attack, but Bite then activated another card with it saying "Attack vent". Then two shark monsters came and attacked the two.

Adam/Onyx: we need to retreat he is too strong. he said as the others agreed

One by one they all managed to enter a reflected surface and retreat. A little bit later they all came back to base with their armor off and Eubulon meted up with them.

Eubulon: what happened

Gekko: we made it to where we thought Catboy was but it was empty

Adam: and then Xaviax and Romeo showed us that they have a rider with them

Eubulon: a rider but I still have the other decks

Ice Cub: apparently they made their own rider

Len: they are calling him Kamen Rider Bite and he is crazy strong

Kit: what I want to know is who they got and possible manipulated to be him

They kept wondering that when Gekko looked over and saw Owlette just looking at her hands again and Gekko went over to him

Gekko: you ok Owlette. he said that made Owlette go out of thought

Owlette: I was just thinking

Gekko: about what

Owlette: I tried to attack Bite twice and both times my body froze before I could hit him and I don't know if it was him or me and if it was me then what is wrong with me

Gekko: all I can think of Owlette is that I am sure you will find out in time. he said as Owlette shaked her head and then they went back to the others.

That is it for this chapter. Xaviax and Romeo now have a rider on their side and it's one they made themselves and for some reason Owlette can't attack it. Comment down below who you think Bite is and why you think Owlette can't attack him. Next time we will see Bite's identity and then you may know why Owlette Can't attack him. See you then.

(P.S. if you are wonder, for this rider only the name is what I did this is a rider that was part of the rider series just not in Dragon Knight. If you want more info about it, then in my conversations I will put two links with information about him)

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