chapter 21: Link Vent

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The riders made it back to where Xaviax was and they quickly and easily took care of the last 10 monsters and now all of them except Eubulon and the riders that have the power hoeroes using their powers got into an arch facing Xaviax (the order is up to you but Catboy and Owlette have to be in the middle)

Xaviax: so you finally arrived to finish this

Kit/Dragon Knight: yeah were here to finish you

Xaviax: even if you can, you know I will somehow come back

Eubulon/armor: and we will be ready for it, now riders begin our plan

All the riders but Catboy then took out their Link Vent cards that glowed a little when they did

Xaviax: I already told you that those won't work on me

Catboy/Bite: that would be true if it was just those cards. he said as he pulled out his Link Vent card which surprised Xaviax

Then basically at the same time they all activated the cards with it saying "Link Vent". Then from the huge glass window above them all came a big lightning bolt and the riders raise their right hands as the bolt separated and went to each raise hand. The lightning bolt was still at their hands for a while as they basically absorbed the power. Then they brought their hands down then stuck then in front of them sending the energy to Xaviax who activated his shield to protect them which worked but his shield then started to get a few cracks in it.

Xaviax: curse you riders. he said as his shield failed and the attack started to hit him

A few seconds after getting hit with the attack Xaviax blew up which stopped the attack as the riders blocked themselves a little from the explosion. When it dies down they saw Xaviax was gone and his metal ring also was destroyed with him.

Len/Wing Knight: did we do it

Adam/Onyx: is he gone again. he said as Eubulon stopped for a bit

Eubulon/armor: he is gone

The riders and the others then cheered a little bit and high fived each other, shake hands, and gave hugs. After all that for a bit, Catboy then started to go up what the metal arch was on and stopped when he was on top and Owlette saw that.

Owlette/Siren: Catboy what are you doing. she said wondering as the others heard that and then looked at him

Catboy/Bite: just getting ready in case something happens

Owlette/Siren: in case what happens

Catboy/Bite: well basically I. he started but just stopped as they looked at him and wondered

Then out of no where sparks started to come off him like he was getting attack and it happened for a while when they stopped some lightning came across him and he went down on a leg (kind of like he is one a kneeling with one knee).

Owlette/Siren: Catboy. she said after what happened

Catboy then looked at his hand and saw that it looked like he was vented but for him it had some shiny gold colored specks in it as well

Catboy/Bite: I had a felling this was going to happen. he said as he saw it was happening to his other hand

Owlette/Siren: what would happen. she said in worry as Catboy stood up

Catboy/Bite: this would happen to me. he said as it started to happen to his arms

Owlette/Siren: this can't be happening

Catboy/Bite: trust me Owlette if it wasn't for you this would be a lot worst. he said as it started to happen to his legs

Owlette/Siren: I know it won't be forever but it is still hard for me

Catboy/Bite: don't worry Owlette, as long as the crystal inside your heart doesn't break we will be together. he said as it started to happen to his body

Catboy/Bite: I will be waiting for all five of you together. he said as it started to happen to his head which at this point it was happening all over his body

Owlette then started to run to him and just like the show she got to him a half a second too late as when she got to him his venting thing finished and he was gone. His deck then fell to the floor and broke when it hit the floor. Owlette then fell to her knees all sad about what happened. The power heroes then went to her and gave her a hug.

Kit/Dragon Knight: master Eubulon was he vented

Eubulon/armor: maybe it looked like he was but his venting was a little different, I will check the void to see just in case, but for now we should head back to base. he said as they all started to head back to base

That is it for this chapter. Xaviax has been defeated during their victory stuff Catboy seem to have gotten something like venting and now he is gone. Comment down below what you think happened to him. I believe there are around four chapters left in this. See you then.

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