chapter 11: infiltration

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As Eubulon was fixing the void key, the others were trying to find where Xaviax and Romeo's base is and where they could be holding Catboy. But right now they had nothing.

Newton Star: it sure is hard to find their base

Kit: yeah, where is Trent he could help us. after he said that as if on cue he came in the room

Trent: help you with what. he said as he spooked the others

An Yu: you can help us find Romeo and Xaviax's base

Trent: oh I already found it. he said which surprised the others

Adam: you already found it

Trent: yeah, Gekko told to find it. he said which made the others look at Gekko

Gekko: right when I got my deck back to help you guys I asked Trent if he could track Xaviax to see where his base is.

Trent: yeah and it was a little hard but I managed to find it

He then went to a computer and pulled up a picture of Romeo's and Xaviax's base which was Romeo's flying factory.

Len: what is that

Owlette: that is Romeo's flying factory and if that is where they are holding then I think I know where he will be

Ice Cub: yeah and surly there are mirror or reflected surface's in there so getting in is easy

Kit: but once we are in there we would have to be quiet

Gekko: yeah cause he has little robots all over the place

Len: so lets get going

After he said that they told Eubulon their plan and he wished them luck as they went into a mirror. A little bit later they came out of a reflected surface in their armor and luckily there were no fly bots around.

Gekko/Sting: ok so welcome to the flying factory and we are lucky to land in a place with no fly bots. he said in a whisper

Kit/Dragon Knight: ok so now to get to where they are holding Catboy. he said in a whisper

Len/Wing Knight: ok lead the way guys. he said in a whisper as Owlette and Gekko nodded

Owlette and Gekko led the others through the flying factory doing their best to be quiet and to not be seen by the fly bots. After a while they were on the second floor (you know the place that is up high in the main inventing room) and they looked into the room and they saw the revive-inator, a big metal ring, and fly bots working on another machine while two were guarding the cell door.

Owlette/Siren: that big door is likely where Catboy is, we just have to get past those fly bots

Gekko/Sting: once we do, I can open the door with my strength but I will have to take off my armor to do it

Adam/Onyx: Ice Cub fire your gun at them when they are down the others should wonder and look around for who did it giving us a chance to open the door

Ice Cub/Torque: ok

Ice Cub then took out his gun and shot the two by the cell door which cause them to turn off. The other fly bots heard it and checked it out which made the riders duck down so they don't see them. The fly bots then separated and went different ways and when they were gone, they came down and went to the cell

An Yu/Strike: we will guard you, but make it quick. she said as Gekko nodded

The others then stood guard around Gekko as he turned his armor off. He then got on the wall and used his muscles to open the door. After he opened it a bit he stuck his head in to look inside and he was shocked by what he saw.

Gekko: it's empty. he said in shock as he took his head out

The others: WHAT. they said in shock as well

Owlette/Siren: but he should be in there

????: well well well we have some uninvited pests. the others turned their head and saw Romeo and Xaviax in the room with them on the stand that is holding the big metal ring (which of the two said that, I will leave it to you)

Adam/Onyx: how did you know we were here

Romeo: we added special censors that would detect us if you arrive

Ice Cub/Torque: what was the thing your fly bots were working on

Xaviax/human: that is what will help us with the final stage of our plan

Kit/Dragon Knight: to help you take over all of the worlds

Xaviax/human: well you are smart for a kid

Owlette/Siren: what have you done with Catboy. she said in a commanding voice

Romeo: oh we are taking good care of your friend bird girl

Len/Wing Knight: well we will get him back no madder what you try

Romeo: that will be something to see

Gekko: well we will deal with you later. he said as they were about to go

Xaviax/human: where are you guys going, you aren't going anywhere

Newton Star/Axe: and why is that 

Xaviax/human: our new ally is wanting to meet you and to play with you guys for a bit

An Yu/Strike: what new ally

Romeo: see for yourself. he said as he pointed to his left and to a dark corner

They looked at the corner and didn't see anything and then they heard footsteps as someone was coming from the dark corner (which was really deep)

That is it for this chapter. They managed to infiltrate Romeo's flying factory and they thought they knew where Catboy was. But the place they thought he was, turned out to be wrong as the cell was empty. Then Romeo's and Xaviax's new ally started to come out. Comment down below where you think Catboy is and who you think Romeo's and Xaviax's new ally is. You will find out the ally next time. See you then.

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