chapter 13: Bite's identity & story

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Right now everyone was pacing back and forth wondering who Xaviax and Romeo got to be Bite.

Len: maybe he got the human Torque or human Strike they were basically loyal to Xaviax in the past

Kit: maybe it was the human Spear or human Axe they were pretty bad when they were with him

Adam: there is the possibility it is someone new all together.

They kept wondering while Owlette was still wondering why she couldn't hit Bite before. Then they heard an alarm and Trent pulled it up and it showed Bite's on the move again

Trent: guys Bite's at it again

Eubulon: ok I am going to do more repairs to the void key, you guys deal with him. he said as they left.

Later they were in a remote area and they appeared in their armor around Bite

Len/Wing Knight: you got us last time but this time we got your tricks

They went to attack again and like last time Bite got the better of them and also like last time every time Owlette tried to attack her body froze when she was close to hitting him. Now they were on the ground in like a pile Bite was a little away looking at them.

Xaviax/human: nice job Bite. he said as he teleported in and the riders saw him

Xaivax/human: now vent them all/ he said as Bite was about to take out the card

Kit/Dragon Knight: wait if you are going to vent us first we would like to know who did you get to be him

Xaivax/human: I guess you should know the one that will vent you. she said then nodded and Bite did it too

Bite then turned off his armor and it was like the others. When it ended he was showing who he was and the riders were shocked

Adam/Onyx: is that who I think it is. he said as he didn't know who it was exactly

The one who was standing in Bite's place and is the one that is Kamen Rider Bite was.........Catboy

Ice Cub/Torque: Catboy you are Bite. he said as Catboy held up the deck that was on Bite's belt

Gekko/Sting: what did you do to him

Xaviax/human: I just talked to him like I did to the earth riders and then he worked for me

Owlette/Siren: your lying, Catboy would never work for you

Xaviax/human: whatever now vent them

Catboy then changed into his armor which was the same as the others and then took out his final vent card. Before he could activate it, An Yu activated a card with it saying "Attack vent" which summoned her snake advent beast which spitted acid at Catboy which he dodged and then he saw the riders had escaped. Later they came into their base with their armor off and Eubulon came to them.

Eubulon: how did it go

Kit: we still got out butts kicked

Len: but Kit managed to get us to see who Bite is and it turned out to be Catboy

Eubulon: why would Catboy betray us

Adam: Xaviax said he talked to him like the earth rider then he worked for him

Gekko: but Catboy wouldn't betray anyone or work for the enemy

Newton Star: the only logical explanation is that they has taken control of him

The alarm went off again and on screen was Catboy in his armor in the city

Len: he really doesn't give up so easily. he said as they were about to go but they saw Owlette didn't move

Kit: come on Owlette it's time to go

Owlette: you guys go without me

An Yu: but we need you

Owlette: Gekko remember when I told you that when I go to attack him my body freezes. she said as Gekko nodded

Owlette: I may know why now, even though  my mind didn't know, my body or heart knew it was him and there is no way I could attack him even if its to save him so I would just be in the way.

Eubulon: ok I will fight him instead, i would like to see how tough he is anyway. he said as they left

Later in the city they all appeared in their armors and surrounded Catboy again

Gekko/Sting: come one Catboy we know you know which side to be on

Catboy/Bite: oh please I am on the right side and you should know that

Gekko/Sting: I don't know what you are talking about

Catboy/Bite: yeah you do

Len/Wing Knight: how about you tell the people who don't know

Catboy/Bite: fine, a long time ago I was working for Xaviax, then one day a green lizard boy and a red owl girl came and they kidnapped me and took me away. Then they whipped my memories and told me I was one of them and they made me who I was

Eubulon/armor: I worked for Xaviax in the past and I don't remember you

Gekko/Sting: yeah and Owlette and I didn't kidnapped you from anyone

Catboy/Bite: enough I had enough of you guys. he said as they started to fight

Even with Eubulon this fight ended up like the previous fights they got beaten and are now on the floor in a pile

Catboy/Bite: say hello to your already vented friends for me. he said as he took out his final vent card

Before he put it into his activator, he got hit with something which made him drop his card and landing by it was a red feather. Everyone looked behind Catboy and saw that Owlette showed up

Ice Cub/Torque: Owlette, I thought you said you couldn't attack him

Owlette: maybe but I feel like I am the only one that can connect to the real him

Catboy/Bite: I am glad you showed up because I wanted to get you cause you were the first one to lie about who I am

Owlette: I could tell you that what you said was a lie but you wouldn't believe me right now

Owlette then activated her armor and her sword vent getting her double bladed sword and now the two of them are looking at each other getting ready to fight

That's it for this chapter. Bite turned out to be Catboy and he believes that something happened that didn't and now he and Owlette are about to fight. Comment down below if you think Owlette can connect with Catboy and bring him back to normal. See you next time.

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