The Dementors

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The next two days flew by and Elijah had spent most of his time helping the twins with last minute homework. Every now and then he'd catch Remus staring, he had to admit it was a little off putting, he didn't understand why he seemed so interested. 

It was the evening before school when Elijah was sat at a booth with the twins going over their potions homework, next to them Hermione was studying her Dark Arts book, every now and then asking some questions to the boy. Though it would seem like an odd pairing, Hermione and Elijah actually got on fairly well, she liked to ask him questions on the topics he studied the year prior and he'd help her pick up books for extracurricular reading. At the end of the table Harry and Ron were struggling with their homework for transfigurations. 

"Why can't you just do our homework for us, Eli?" George asked, wanting to throw his quill across the room, but his mother was nearby so he didn't dare. 

"Because then how would you learn?" The boy smirked, rolling his eyes.

"We wouldn't need to. Who needs potions anyway? And why do you know more about these than we do? We are older than you." Fred argued. 

"Evidently, Fred, older does not mean wiser. Pick up a book once in a while." he teased, ducking as the twin went to throw a piece of scrap paper at him, "You do. One to pass your O.W.L.S, and two to improve your pranks. Think of all the trouble you can cause with some of those potions." Elijah smiled, looking over to Hermione who was reading about werewolves. 

"Fascinating, isn't it? How people live with a curse like this." She asked Elijah, whose eyes skimmed the page before giving a shrug. 

"What is fascinating about werewolves?" Ron scoffed, looking down frustrated at his homework before comparing his to Harry's, and his brother didn't look any less confused.

"I agree with Ron, what is so fascinating about them? Aren't they just all afraid of the moon, before shifting into scary creatures?" he asked his brother, both younger teens looking to him now.

"I think it pretty cool, in a weird way. They have this whole other creature inside them that waits a whole month until it can come out. Yes, it can be seen as a curse, especially right now, there isn't much research being done into how to help people during or after their shifts, but.. There is a new discovery called Wolfsbane that helps the werewolf keep their mind during full moons." he shrugged, his brother and Ron looked just as confused as before and Hermione looked intrigued by the older boys answer. Looking over to the bar and seeing Lupin staring again, "I'm going to get a butter beer." he hummed.

"Make it two." Harry called.

"Three." Ron added.

"Four and fi-"

"I get it. I'll grab a round." he laughed, sliding out of the booth, approaching the bar and standing next to Lupin. 

"Tutoring?" The man hummed, raising a brow, clearly amused by the scene that he'd just witnessed. 

"Something like that." he grinned, casting a glance back over to the twins who were now both trying to pin down Ron and doodle on his face.

"You seem to know your stuff." he commented, taking a sip of what Elijah guessed was a hot chocolate. 

"Ergh, I try. I have a lot of spare time.. When you read ahead for classes, it kind of leaves time in class to read further ahead." he laughed, plus when he couldn't sleep he'd read. 

"That creates a very unique problem, I'm sure." Lupin mused, intrigued by the boy, he seemed to have a thirst for knowledge stronger than even his fathers. 

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