Deep Dive

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After Christmas Elijah spread his time thin, between Quidditch practice for Verdins, school work, Prefect duties and research for the Second Task, he barely had time for dates. Though, Nik didn't seem to mind, it was as if he knew the boy was stressed, choosing to join him when he was studying for classes and the second task, along with reminding him to eat. He even joined him in Quidditch practice a few times.

Lucas had all but dropped off again, but this time Elijah knew why, and he too thought some time apart would be the best for both of them. It was getting complicated and he didn't think he could take much more of that on his shoulders right now. He had enough to worry about without even starting to think about what was going on between the two of them.

He had avoided even looking at a copy of The Daily Prophet after the dance, he didn't know if Rita Skeeter had written about him at all, though he assumed she had from some of the looks he received from younger students. But again, with everything else going on it was yet another thing he pushed to the side, though in this case he was happy to do so. If it wasn't for the fear of having Lucas' face plastered all over the front cover of the bloody newspaper he would have dropped the other things and gone to Lucas to figure out what was going on. But he was playing it safe, and distracting himself with the things that should really be the priority regardless.

He sat alone at The Three Broomsticks, reading an old auto-biography of a young witch who had explored much of the ocean, underlining the tricks and tactics she used. Gillyweed. Of course! How could have he forgotten. It was in his curriculum for Herbology this year, he'd read about it in the summer. In salt water the lengths of time it could be used for were variable, but in fresh water it lasted for well over an hour. Closing his book he finished off his Butter Beer, looking at Madam Rosmerta as she approached to clear the glass.

"Madam Rosmerta?" he said politely, "Do you make all the Gillywater in house?"

The woman studied the boy, raising a brow. "Why?"

"I was wondering if you use fresh Gillyweed in it." he said quietly, leaning closer to the woman over the bar so none of the others in the pub could hear him. "I was hoping to buy some if you have any spare, it would really help two wizards from Hogwarts on their second task."

She pulled back slightly, eyeing the boy suspiciously before disappearing out back, returning a few long moments later with a jar filled with water, a sluggish grey-green weed floating at the bottom, sliding it across the wooden bar towards him.

"Consider it a donation, but if you come first celebration drinks will be had here." she said firmly. "Oh, and you will want to keep them submerged in that water until the day of the task, they will dry out otherwise." she told him.

"Wouldn't dream of having them anywhere else." Elijah said with a charming smile, taking the jar and tucking it into his bag. "Thanks, Madam Rosmerta."

"Make sure someone from Hogwarts wins this cup, will you?"

"I can all but try my best." he grinned, picking up his book and heading out of the pub. That was one thing he could tick off his list, and probably the most important thing. It had been frustrating him since Boxing Day, and now he could enjoy New Years Eve in peace without the pressure of figuring it all out pressing on him.


The following weeks passed quickly, and he'd actually used his portion of Gillyweed in a potion, enhancing it's effects and ensuring it would last longer, and allowed him to talk underwater too. It made it safer for the person once they left the water too, otherwise he'd have to wait for his gills to disappear before leaving the water. He was tempted to do the same with Harry's, but he didn't want the judges to know he had helped his younger brother, they had to be slightly different.

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