Last Piece of the Puzzle

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Sleep wasn't coming easy to Elijah, he'd been struggling to switch his mind off for the last few weeks. Time was moving far too quickly and as the weeks passed he'd noticed Sirius getting more and more erratic. He was worried about what his next move would be. Rolling over in his bed he picked up the map the Weasleys had given him, just curious to see who was also awake, and if he could slip away to the Astronomy Tower, that's when he saw it. Clear as day, the name 'Peter Pettigrew' was drifting through the corridors of the castle concealed by the darkness of the night.

It didn't take long for the boy to throw on some grey joggers and green hoodie, sneaking out of the dorm, map in hand. Avoiding any roaming professors and Filch any way he could.

He felt stupid not having remembered he could use the map to track down Peter Pettigrew all along, or even given it to Sirius to use. In the dark corridors of the castle, he had to use his wand to read the map and navigate his way around. Fixating on Peters name as they drew closer and closer, forgetting to keep an eye on the other name swiftly approaching him. For some reason it said Pettigrew was right in front of him but he couldn't see any sign of the man. With a loud grunt he bumped into someone, tumbling backwards and landing on the concrete. That's when he caught glimpse of it. A rat. Muttering a quiet 'mischief managed' to the map and tapping it with his wand before getting to his feet to be greeted by Professor Snape.

"And what might you be doing out of bed at this hour, Mr Potter?" The Professor asked, dusting himself off where the boy had bumped into him.

"Turns out, I sleep walk, I was just trying to find my way back to the dorms." He lied, folding over the parchment and slipping it into his hoodies pocket.

"After the four years you've been here you've only just started sleep walking?" Snape questioned, quirking a brow.

"I read somewhere that it often triggered by stress, so I don't think it's that hard to believe that it would suddenly start when there are scares of a serial killer trying to kill my little brother." The boy explained, offering a charming smile.

Staring at the boy with an almost murderous look, the Professor lowered his glowing wand, "Is that so?" he hummed, studying the boy for another moment before turning on his heels, "Come with me."

Elijah rolled his eyes before following the Professor to his office, watching as the man rummaged around a cupboard of potions, bringing out a small vial.

"This should do the trick." he said with a twisted smile.

The boy looked between the Professor and the bottle, "What's that?"

"It helps with sleep walking, though, I should note that if the person drinking the potion isn't suffering from sleep walking then they'd be left unable to move for the next forty-eight hours." He informed Potter.

Elijah chuckled a little, shaking his head, "Professor, all due respect, I'm top of my class. I've read a lot of potion books, and there are only two potions that can aid in sleep walking, and neither have that effect. Nice try though. I'd give you an A for effort."

Snapes sallow skin had gone the colour of sour milk. His eyes drifting to the boys pocket when he remembered their encounter out in the hall. "Empty your pockets."

The student quirked a brow before letting out a tired sigh, emptying his hoodie pocket. "Hm, a packet of gum, a Polaroid of myself and my boyfriend, and a spare piece of parchment." he hummed, giving a small shrug.

Snape turned over the parchment, eyes on Elijah.

"Surely you don't need such a very old piece of parchment?" He said, "Why don't I just throw this away for you?" he asked, lifting the paper over the fire.

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