You're on Your Own, Kid

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Free of the confines of the office, he wanted to run to Poppy, but how could he explain it all without telling her everything? She couldn't know.

Instead, he headed back to his dorm, walking in to find his friends all asleep, all their beds filled. He pulled back the curtains to his own, finding Alix curled up asleep in it, having fallen asleep whilst crying.

He swallowed thickly, carefully climbing in bedside her, trying not to stir her but he knew that would be impossible.

"Lijah?" She whispered, lifting her head from his pillow, and pulling him in close with a tight grasp. "I thought... When Harry came back with Cedric and you weren't there- I thought-" she started choking up, tears filling her dark brown eyes.

"I'm here, Al..." he soothed. "I'm ok..." He thought back to Cedric and squeezed his eyes shut. "I'm sorry about Cedric, Al... I- I don't think I could have stopped it even if I knew it was coming."

Alix lifted her head from his pillow and put it on his chest. "Was it quick? Did he feel any pain?"

He swallowed thickly and nodded. "He would have felt nothing, it was quick."

He could feel the girl's body shaking as she silently sobbed against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, holding onto her tightly, a hand rubbing up and down her back to soothe her cries.

They lay there like that for a while, Elijah dared not move, just wanting to be there for Alix as she had been there for him all those years. His thoughts wandered though, through the vivid flashbacks of the night which had been on a loop in his memory since it happened.

"Who did it?" She asked dangerously, and Elijah knew what that meant.

"Peter Pettigrew." He breathed, keeping his arms around her protectively. "But, he's untouchable right now... Just brought back the Dark Lord."

Alix frowned, rolling down the sleeve of Elijah's left arm, studying the Mark. "Did it hurt?"

He tensed when he felt her lift the material, just wishing he could forget it was there. Once again he nodded, looking down at the jet-black ink that now stained his arm, watching carefully as Alix's dark fingers gently ran over it.

"Was- Was my father there tonight?" She so quietly that he nearly didn't hear her.

"Yeah... They all were but three. One of them is right here in this castle, so he told us. I wasn't told their names though, just that they'd be dealt with accordingly."

"So he's... My dad... He's a Death Eater again?" She stuttered.

Elijah nodded slowly, "I think most were there out of fear rather than loyalty, Al. You should have seen them all.. Begging for forgiveness..." he shuddered at the thought, "I think your father was there because if not, it would have cost him his life and your whole families lives. No one had a choice if they wanted to live."

Alix was quiet for a while, letting it sink in. I was never going to be easy, but when was anything these days?

"Do Sirius and Remus know... About you?"

"Everyone does... My parents, Dumbledore, Sirius and Remus." He murmured, intentionally leaving a few names out, he didn't have the energy to explain it all tonight.

"Shit- What did your parents say?" She asked still looking at the Mark.

Elijah shrugged, "James had me by my neck the second I walked in, and Lily was just there until he needed defending." He sighed heavily. "Sirius blamed... his brother, Mr Grey. Remus seemed shocked.. They both did. I just-"

"- Do you ever feel like Dumbledore is no better than Voldemort?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean.. What's changed since the last war? What's changed to help those who fought beside him? People like Remus? What about my parents and Sirius? He doesn't want change, it feels like he just wants things to stay the same, only fight when necessary.. And yet he has his band of loyal followers who he calls upon to do the dirty work. But because he fights for a good cause his actions are excused."

The Other PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora