Blue Mountains & City Lights

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TW: Implied sex, but nothing graphic.

Vancouver, Elijah decided, was nothing short of everything he needed it to be. Between the Quidditch and exploring the vast mix of nature and city life it had to offer it somehow felt as though he'd stepped into someone else's reality where he could just be... Himself. They say ignorance is bliss, and he'd be lying if he said, that during his flying visit away from the chaos awaiting him back in England, he didn't agree.

The team had set him, Sirius, and Remus up in a cabin in the mountains. It was peaceful, up in the snow-topped mountains overlooking the sea, and city below. They had also gifted them all with weather-appropriate clothing, which was good because although England got cold, the air this high up in the  Canadian landscape was far colder than the streets of London or even the mountainside of Wales for that matter. Layered in thermals and thick coats the three of them used any of Elijah's free time wandering the city, finding small local places to dine, and on a few odd occasions shop. However, up in the mountains, there was a small wizarding village, not that different from London's own Diagon Alley. They even had a market at the weekend selling old books, magazines, and locally sourced ingredients for potions as well as other small trinkets.

It was nice to get away, not just for him, but he could visibly see his godparents relaxing too, as if all their issues had somehow been fixed by the change in scenery. They spent a lot of time getting to know one another on different levels other than shared trauma and impending war. Of course, Remus and Elijah already knew a lot about one another after last year, and he and Sirius had also broken down a few walls together during their shortlived meetings in the Shrieking Shack, but now they could learn how to be a family.

Monopoly was not the way to go.. Or maybe it was. It ended with Sirius flipping the table and storming off, all whilst giving Remus the finger. But after half an hour of cooling off, they were soon laughing about it over takeout.

"It's not that funny." Sirius pouted, poking his remaining noodles around his plate.

"No, not funny at all, dear." Remus agreed, giving Elijah a smug look, putting his plate down, and settling back on the sofa.

Sirius huffed, stacking his plate on top of Remus' and settling down with the werewolf, using him as a cushion as he got settled down, pulling the thick blanket over them both. "So, we are back in London for a few days before you go back to school, anything you want to do?" he asked Elijah.

The boy ran a hand through his messy hair, shrugging. "Er.. Regulus and I have a day planned in London, but other than that nothing much. I'm happy to just spend more time with you two, maybe I can introduce you to a few of my friends.. Like, properly. If you want." He wasn't stupid, he knew most of his friends' parents and families were former Death Eaters, but he trusted his friends with every ounce of his being. He supposed he should be more alert considering his own father probably felt the same way about his friends and one of them betrayed him nearly resulting in their family's death, and framing one of his godfathers for the crime. Time will tell.

"You are spending the day with Regulus and Lucas? So.. I'm assuming the Lucas ordeal is over? Are you two-"

"No. Just Regulus." Elijah interjected a little too harshly, looking at Sirius he dipped his head a little. "Sorry.. I just.. No, the Lucas ordeal is still as confusing as ever. He is mad at me for seeing someone new, I think."

Remus frowned, "But he's still seeing that girl?"

Elijah nodded, "Like I said, confusing."

"So, just you and Regulus?" Sirius muttered, furrowing his brows.

"Yeah, I used to sneak around to theirs during the summer holidays.. Of course, I didn't know he was your brother at that point. Still, he took me in like a son. I owe him a lot." This, of course, had been a very well-orchestrated plan that involved the Weasley twins and a string of lies to so many people that some years Elijah lost count.

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