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the past few days bada and sabrena have been hanging out almost every day. this has caused her to be even more confused about her emotions.

while she's been in korea, she's kept in touch with her childhood best friend/coworker ( they have a podcast together) alexandra cooper. alex is bisexual and sabrena feels like she's going through a midlife crisis so she decides to give her a call.

-start of call-

Sabrena: Hey Alex,  I need to have a little heart-to-heart with you right now or i'm gonna go crazy.

Alexandra: Hey, Sabalicious! What's going on babe? Was that cringe?

Sabrena: A little bit. But I've just been busy with SWF2. It's been soooo intense. But, I needed to talk to you about something. I've been going through a bit of a... personal crisis and I need your guidance.

Alexandra: What's happening girl? You know I'm here for you.

Sabrena: Well, remember when you came out as bi a few years ago? You know, the whole "I like all the colors of the rainbow" revelation.

Alexandra: Yes I remember that's one way to put it hahahahaha. Why do you ask girly?

Sabrena: How did you know? Like how did you realize you were bi?...

Alexandra:  I mean coming to terms with my bisexuality was a journey to say the least girlfriend. It was about recognizing that I could be attracted to people regardless of their gender. It was about realizing that love is indeed love. Why are you asking?

Sabrena: Well, it's a bit complicated, but recently, I've been spending a lot of time with someone, a friend, Bada, a leader from one of the other crews. And I don't know why, but whenever I'm around her, I feel... weird things.

Alexandra: Ouuu fraternizing with the enemy?? What weird things have you been feeling?

Sabrena: Like these weird tingly sensations in my heart that I'm not particularly a fan of by the way.

Alexandra: mhm sounds like butterflies... Do I sense a new episode of "Sabrena's Love Dilemmas" on the podcast?

Sabrena: Ok Love is a bit of a reach. But seriously, whenever I'm around Bada, it's like my heart is throwing a surprise party, and I wasn't even invited. My heart races when I see her, and I can't stop thinking about her when she's not around. It's like she makes me feel safe and understood in a way I don't with any of my other friends.

Alexandra: Hmm, I think I know where you're going with this. It sounds like you're... oh, how do I put it? Crushing on Bada?

Sabrena: Me crushing? Nah?  I just don't understand. I've always identified as straight, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around these emotions. They are like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

Alexandra: Sexuality can be as unpredictable as a magician's tricks sometimes. It's so complex. Sometimes, it takes time to figure out. It's possible that being around Bada is making you question your sexuality. You might be discovering new aspects of yourself. Maybe being around Bada is opening new doors for you.

Sabrena: You know what's strange? When she mentioned her relationship problems, I felt for her, but I also had this like glimmer of hope, like maybe the universe is dropping hints. Like maybe there's a chance for something more. I just can't stop thinking about her and how I felt hanging out with her.

Alexandra: It's okay to feel this way, Sabrena. Don't rush it. Take the time you need to understand your feelings, and remember, I'm here for you no matter what. If you ever want to talk more about this or anything else, I'm just a call away. Just be open to these possibilities.

Sabrena: I'm also just scared because of my crewmates. Like I love them loads, but they've been trying to get me to come out for so long now and it's not like i'm hiding it. I just genuinely didn't believe it and i'm still not sure if i do.

Alexandra:  Babes I love you and I mean this in the best and most supportive way possible, but it definitely sounds like you may like girls. I had these thoughts when I first realized as well. And it can be scary because you'll wonder what people think. But i'm positive your teammates will still love you the same.

Sabrena: I'm sure they will. It's mainly my family I'm worried about. You saw how they reacted when they found out Oliver was gay. They banned me from contacting my own brother and disowned him. I had to go behind their back to keep a relationship with him. Yes, they allowed him back into their lives, but they still haven't fully accepted him and he can't fully be himself. I don't want that for myself.

Alexandra: I get it. It can be a difficult thing to tell your family. I was blessed that my family was understanding. But you have to live your life for you babe. No one wants to disappoint their family, but at the end of the day you're the only one that ultimately has to live with yourself. Everyone can up and leave but you are stuck with you. So you have to focus on your own happiness. And if people chose to leave because of that, then they just do not deserve to be in your life.

Sabrena: Yeah you're not wrong...It's just sooo scary.

Alexandra: It is, but you've got this! You're the strongest bitch I know, and like I said...I am always going to be in your corner. Your crew too.

Sabrena: Thanks, Alex. You've always been someone I can lean on and I genuinely love and appreciate you so much.

Alexandra: Of course babe. We've been friends since nursery. I'm here for you always and forever.

Sabrena: Always and forever! Well i'll let you go. I'm gonna go figure out my life. Love you.

Alexandra: Love you more!

-end of call-

-end of call-

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