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Kirsten and Sabrena arrived at the local authorities' office, in order to finally file a report on the situation Sabrena had endured. They were ushered into a private room where they met with Detective Allen and her partner, introducing themselves as detectives from the Special Victims Unit (SVU).

Detective Allen asked Kirsten if she could step out, but Sabrena grabbed her hand, telling them she wanted Kirsten to stay by her side. Understanding her need for support, the detective agreed and asked her partner to bring in another chair.

Seated in the room, they asked Sabrena to tell her side of events. She began explaining what happened. After she finished, the detectives asked follow-up questions, assuring her it was protocol. They inquired if she was sure she was under the influence, to which Sabrena, taking a deep breath said, "Well considering I can't remember anything that happened, I'm gonna say yes I'm sure."

They then asked her if she took the drugs voluntarily. Kirsten interjected, "No she didn't, and even if she did, that doesn't mean anything was consensual."

However, Detective Allen reiterated the necessity to address questions to Sabrena directly, warning Kirsten to maintain her silence or leave.

"Like I told you both, it's protocol to ask these questions. And please keep the answers to Miss Taylor or I will have to have you escorted out." Kirsten releases a breath but sits back.

Sabrena clarified that she had not willingly taken the drugs, suspecting they were slipped into her drink without her knowledge. The detectives pressed her to recall any detail, it took everything in Kirsten to refrain from speaking out, knowing the video held the necessary evidence.

When they asked if the acts were consensual, Sabrena firmly replied, "No." The detectives finally ask to see the video. Sabrena requested to step out, she didn't want to relive the moment by hearing it. They allowed her and Kirsten to wait outside.

Sabrena's anxiety starts to slowly creep up on her and Kirsten notices her starting to shake a little so she pulls her into a hug for some reassurance. Sabrena expressed her fears about the video not being enough evidence. Kirsten assured her, confident in the video's damning evidence.

After 20 minutes, the detectives summoned them back. Seated once more, the detectives conveyed that the video provided enough evidence for an arrest and conviction. They told her that she wouldn't need to appear in court. Sabrena released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

After leaving the station, they went back to Sabrena's flat. Later that day, officers went to Oakley's house and lucky for them all the men in the video were also there. They made an arrest before he could get near his phone to post the video. They were taken into custody, awaiting their hearing.

While watching a drama news channel, Kirsten spotted a breaking news flash. "Sabrena... look," she said. They saw Oakley and his friends being escorted in handcuffs. Sabrena felt a wave of relief wash over her. Soon after, the detective called Sabrena to confirm the arrest.

Grateful for Kirsten's support, Sabrena thanked her, and they called it a night.


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bbcnews BREAKING!

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bbcnews BREAKING!

UK rapper Central Cee aka Oakley seen being escorted from his home in London by police officers along with a few other men we suspect to be friends of his.

What do we think he's being arrested for? Does it have anything to do with his relationship with Sabrena Taylor? We have yet to see her speak out about anything yet.

view all comments

user1 woah what?

user2 it has to do with sabrena!

user3 what did him and his friends do?

user4 my uncle is a paparazzi and he said when the police knocked on the door they said something about SA!!!
user5 NO WAY!!!


Sabrena stared at her phone, her thumb hesitating over Bada's contact. After a deep breath, she pressed the call button, feeling a mix of nervousness and relief. On the third ring, Bada's voice came through, "Hey Sabrena."

"Hi," Sabrena responded. "How are you?" She wasn't sure if she should just cut to the chase or make small take first
"I'm doing well. Just relaxing for the break." Bada answered awkwardly. She didn't really know if they were good based on their last texts to each other.

Sabrena, deciding to just cut to the chase says, ""I... I'm ready to talk about what's been going on since I left...if you're ready or even want to listen," she said, her voice slightly shaky, preparing herself for the talk she knew wouldn't be easy.

"I'm here. I'm ready to listen," Bada assured her, sensing the uneasiness in Sabrena's tone.

With a deep breath, Sabrena began to recount everything that had unfolded since she left South Korea, from the event that took place in the video to the blackmail, Kirsten's support and finally Oakley's arrest. As she finished, there was a short silence on the line.

Bada was at a loss for words, her heart sinking as she listened to the struggles Sabrena had faced. She couldn't believe Sabrena had to go through that alone. She was grateful for Kirsten going to help her. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that," Bada finally managed, her voice filled with compassion. "I can't even imagine what that must've felt like."

Tears welled up in Sabrena's eyes. "I felt violated and disgusting, I blamed myself for letting my guard down" she admitted, the weight of the past events still heavy on her.

Bada intervened softly, "No, Sabrena. Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. It's on those who did it to you. Remember that."

Feeling a surge of gratitude for Bada's understanding, Sabrena expressed her heartfelt thanks.

After a moment of silence, Sabrena whispered, "I miss you," a confession she couldn't hold back any longer.

There was a pause, and then Bada responded, "I miss you too."

Their conversation slowly shifted gears, Bada updating Sabrena on the competition's recent events. Sabrena felt a surge of emotion. Her feelings for Bada were intensifying, and she regretted leaving the competition, wishing she hadn't missed the chance to be near Bada.



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