Chapter 3

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One hour later.
Fallon's POV.

I slowly opened my eyes, being blinded by the strong lights in the room.

I looked around for a moment before realizing that I was in a hospital, but why?

I saw a nurse heading towards me, she stopped next to the bed I was lying in and checked the machines that were around me.

Nurse - How are you feeling?

I tried to speak but couldn't, so I just nodded.

Nurse - It's normal that you have difficulty speaking at the moment, it will pass in the next few minutes.

I nodded again.

Nurse - I'm going to take you to a room so your family can see you and call the doctor who operated on you to come and explain everything to you.

Again, I nodded.

So I had been operated on?

She walked behind my hospital bed and led it down the long hallways before entering a room and setting me down.

Nurse - The doctor will arrive in a few minutes.

With that, she left.

I stayed alone for a few minutes in this large, silent room trying to remember what had happened. But I couldn't remember anything.

I tried to say something, but before I could my large, noisy family and Liam entered the room. Wait, Liam?

A few minutes earlier.
POV Liam.

We've been here for an hour now. I was becoming more and more impatient.

During this long wait I found myself alone with myself.

What would I have done if that bullet killed Fallon when we were on the verge of divorce?

And what will I do now?

These 2 questions have been running through my head since I sat in this waiting room.

Before I could think more and ask myself more questions, the doctor who had operated on Fallon earlier entered the room, and walked towards us.

Doctor - She's awake, a nurse just took her to a room, so I'll take you there. But I must warn you first, she will have a little difficulty speaking at the moment and that is completely normal, there is also a possibility that she will not remember what happened , her body is still in shock, so don't rush her, and she will have to stay in bed for a few weeks. Did you all understand?

A collective "yes" was heard, he nodded then turned and headed towards Fallon's room, the Carrington family behind him.

We arrived in front of the room, he opened the door and let us in before entering in his turn.

She looked at us one by one before stopping on me, a confused expression on her face.

Doctor - So Miss Carrington, how are you feeling?

She nodded yes.

Doctor - Do you remember what happened?

She nodded again, this time to say no.

Doctor - Someone shot you earlier in the evening, you were then brought here and I operated on you, does that mean anything to you?

Fallon - I...I think so.

She said in a small voice, barely audible.

Doctor - Well, for now everything is fine, I'll come back in an hour to check your scar.

With that, he left.

Everyone moved closer to her, except me who stayed a little behind.

Sam - I'm glad you're okay.

Amanda - Do you know who did this to you?

Fallon - It was Beto.

Everyone turns to Cristal, including me

Blake - Did you know he was going to do that?

Crystal - What? Of course not! Fallon you must be wrong, I don't think my brother is capable of doing that.

Fallon - I saw it Cristal.

Kirby - You might have been wrong, Fallon 2 minutes after hearing that shot you collapsed on the stage, you might have seen it wrong.

Fallon - Yes because I was shot at, and no I saw quite a bit, before losing consciousness I saw him at the back of the room, and even before he fell, he had a gun that he was pointing at me! Do you think I'm lying?

Adam - Sorry, but why would he do that to you? You never even spoke to each other.

Fallon - And how would I know?

Blake - Fallon, maybe you...

Fallon - If you don't believe me, call the police, I saw him get arrested.

Sam - Ok but why would he do that to you?

Fallon - But I don't know!!

Kirby - Fallon..

Fallon - Okay stop, please come out, I'd like to be alone.

Crystal - Fallon us-

Fallon - No, get out.

Everyone left the room except me.

I stood there, looking at her, before moving a little closer to her.

Fallon - Are you going to say I'm lying too?

Liam - Honestly, I don't know, I can't trust you anymore.

Fallon - If it's to keep telling me things like that, I don't see why you came, you can leave, nothing's stopping you.

Liam - I would like to believe you.

Fallon - So believe me! Why would I tell you it was Beto who shot me when we never spoke? What good would it do for me to lie about this?

Liam - You often lie for no reason.

Fallon - Ok, break, I don't have enough energy for that right now, so please leave, I'd like to rest.

I then left the room, leaving her alone.

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