Chapter 13

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Liam - About Eva, I believe you, and I'm sincerely sorry that I didn't believe you from the start, I really regret it.

Fallon - What happened?

Liam - What?

Fallon - What happened to suddenly decide to believe me?

Liam - Beto told the policeman that Eva was his accomplice and how it happened, they talked about it on the news.

Fallon - So I was right on all counts.

Liam - I'm so sorry Fallon.

Fallon - I'm sorry too.

Liam - I really wish we could work things out, but it's not just because of Eva that we're here.

Fallon - I know, but if it's any reassurance, Collin no longer works for Fallon Unlimited and we are no longer in contact at all.

Liam - I know and I thank you for that.

Fallon - So we forget the lawyer?

Liam - We forgot the lawyer.

Big smiles could be seen on their faces, both happy to finally have a chance to save their marriage.

A few days later
Fallon's POV

Constant movement in the room woke me up, I opened my eyes and saw Liam pacing back and forth

Fallon - What are you doing?

He jumps and turns to me.

Liam - You scared me ! I didn't know you were awake. You slept well ?

Fallon - Yes. What are you doing ?

Liam - I'm getting ready.

Fallon - Why ?

Liam - Beto's trial is today, have you already forgotten?

Fallon - Is it today?! I thought it was next week!

Liam - Do you feel ready to go?

Fallon - Yes, and I have to go anyway.

Liam - You don't have to, Fallon, everyone knows about your condition, it won't shock anyone that you're absent.

Fallon - I want to go there and see this scum get his punishment Liam.

Liam - Okay, but if you start to hurt, we'll go home immediately, okay?

Fallon - Okay.

I got up and started getting ready too.

A few hour later
To the court

Liam was sitting on my right, while Blake was on my left, Cristal next to him.

Nervousness filled my body as I waited for the trial to begin, which was set to begin in a few minutes.

Beto might get a shorter sentence for turning Eva in, and just the thought of him getting out quickly made my heart beat abnormally fast.

Eva, since the news broke in the town, had completely disappeared, many people were looking for her but it was as if she had never existed.

Liam, seeing the anxiety on my face, takes my hand and squeezes it lightly.

Liam - Are you okay?

I just nodded, unable to speak due to anxiety.

He put a little more pressure on my hand when Beto arrived with 2 police officers.

Judge - The trial can begin.

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