Chapter 5

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Fallon's POV.

I've only been here a day and I'm already fed up.

Sam came to see me this morning but had to go back to La Mirage.

I have been alone in this room for a few hours now, apart from a nurse who came to check on me several times, no one has come.

Eva's POV.

I open the hospital doors and enter before heading towards reception.

Eva - Hello, I would like to have Fallon Carrington's room number.

Secretary - And you are?

Eva - A friend.

She looks at me for a few moments before giving me the room number.

Secretary - Room 3769 on the 4th floor, elevators are on the left.

Eva – Thank you.

I take an elevator and press the "4" button, the elevator starts going up.

Once I get to the 4th floor, I get out of the elevator and head towards Fallon's room.

Once in front, I push the door.

Fallon's POV.

I hear my bedroom door open, I turn my head towards it and see Eva entering the room.

Eva - Fallon, I'm glad you're doing well!

Fallon - wow, what hypocrisy well done, I congratulate you.

Eva - How is your marriage with Liam otherwise?

Fallon - Why are you here?

Eva - I came to see how you are doing.

Fallon - Seriously?

Eva - Well I'm here to talk to you about Liam.

Fallon - We've had this conversation several times, I know what you're trying to do and your plan is working, what more is there to say?

Eva - I want you to stop insisting on him, to finally leave him alone.

Fallon - Never in my life.

Eva - You make me feel sorry, you know he doesn't want you anymore, he runs away from you like the plague but you still continue to run after him.

Fallon - He is not interested in you either, he only sees you as a friend and the day he learns what you do, he will have immense hatred towards you and I hope to be there to see that

Eva - this day will never come.

Fallon - That's what we'll see.

The door opens again, this time to reveal Liam and Eva immediately doing a sad and scared expression upon seeing him.

Liam - Eva? What are you doing here ?

Eva - Fallon called me asking me to come over and then yelled at me that I'm doing everything to break you and that everything that happened between you was my fault!

Fallon - What? But I never asked you to come! Liam, she came by herself to tell me to stop calling you!

Eva - That's not what happened Liam.

Fallon - Liam please, believe me for once.

Liam - I'm sorry but I don't believe you Fallon, what you're saying doesn't make any sense, why would she ask you that?

Fallon - This is what I've been trying to explain to you for almost a month!

Liam - I'm taking Eva home and I'll come back, we need to talk.

They left the room leaving me alone once again, I dropped my head onto the pillow huffing in exasperation, waiting for Liam to come back, to try and convince him to believe me once again.

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