Chapter 6

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30 minutes later.
Fallon's POV.

I had been pacing around the room for a while.

It's been 30 minutes now since Liam left with Eva, I was still waiting for him to return.

I know he doesn't want to be with me anymore, he's made that clear to me, but I can't let several years of marriage slip away like that, I have to do everything to save our marriage.

Sam - Wow, you look like a corpse.

Kirby - I agree.

Sam, Kirby. Obviously they had to come now.

Fallon - What are you doing here ?

Sam - We came to visit our friend, we have the right, no ?

Kirby - Do you hurt somewhere?

Fallon - no, why ?

Kirby - You're making a weird face.

Fallon - It's complicated.

Sam - It's because of Liam I guess?

Fallon - Yeah.

Sam - tell.

Fallon - Long story short, I had an argument with him and Eva, he took Eva home and said he was going to come back so we could talk.

Kirby - Did he leave you alone to take Eva home?

Sam - I really don't understand what he sees in her.

Fallon - Yeah, anyway, I don't want to talk about it.

Adam - Hi sister.

Fallon - Orh Adam.

Adam - I too am happy to see you.

Fallon - Go away.

Adam - Hm I could but I think I'll stay.

Liam - Hi.

They really have a knack for arriving at the wrong time in this family.

Liam - Can you guys leave me and Fallon alone for a while?

Kirby and Sam turn towards me, I nod at them and they leave the room.

Adam - I just arrived and I want to spend time with my little sister.

He takes me in his arms.

Fallon - Let go of me.

Adam - Why ?

Fallon - Or I'll break your arms

Adam - Okay I think I'll go there.

He finally let go of me and left the room.

Fallon - So.

Liam - We need to talk Fallon.

Fallon - And of what? Whatever I say you don't believe me anyway.

Liam - And how could I believe you? You haven't stopped lying to me!

Fallon - I haven't stopped lying to you? The only thing I lied to you about was about Collin, and I didn't even lie to you since I was going to tell you when you found out, but obviously you didn't believe me!

Liam - So it's my fault? You cheated on me Fallon. Everything that happens is your fault.

Fallon - Yes I cheated on you and for the thousandth time I'm really sorry, but if you hadn't chosen to believe this crazy girl we could have talked and tried to work things out, but no you only believe her and me I no longer exist.

Liam - Stop blaming me, you know as well as I do that I'm not responsible.

Fallon - I'm not saying it's entirely your fault, but we both have our share of responsibility and we'll never be able to fix anything if you keep coming to me just to blame me.

Liam - I can't take it anymore Fallon, I'm tired of constantly arguing with you.

Fallon - I'm fed up too Liam, with every argument you put all the blame on me and you find a way to make me feel guilty even if I didn't do anything, and it's been like that since the start of our relationship. It's over, I stop fighting for you, do you want us to divorce? I'm calling the lawyer today, but the day you realize I was completely right about Eva and that she's just a manipulator, don't come talk to me again, but if we call the lawyer, you and me are over forever.

I stopped short, feeling the same sharp pain in my lower stomach as the gala evening.

I saw Liam look at me questioningly.

I started to walk towards the hospital bed to sit down but collapsed before I got there, seconds later I lost consciousness.

FALLIAM Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora