Chapter 12: Gohan Goten Trunks Adventure! Hunt For The Rose Quartz Of Love

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A/N- So you guys, this chapter is more of a flashback on the couple days before chapter 11 took place. Remember, I said I was going to reveal the gift that Gohan gave Tania last chapter? ;) Well this is the previous events leading up to her birthday party. It was meant to go in with chapter 11 when I was first started it, but then it became way tooo long so I decided to leave that cliff hanger at the end of last chapter so I could add these earlier parts in for this chapter since it's clearly going to be the longest out of the two chapters. Reminder/Note: Remember the kimono ChiChi made for Tania as a present? This chapter will explain why she decided to do that lol. Anyways, hope you all enjoy reading. There'll be another A/N at the bottom too so please read that one also.


Chapter 12: Gohan Goten Trunks Adventure! Hunt For The Crystal Of Love

This took place a couple days before the birthday party of Tania's. The exact day that she left to stay at Videl's.


"Do you got everything you need?" I ask my girlfriend as she stepped outside the Son home residence in the mid afternoon.

"Yeah. If I happen to not have something when I get to Videl's, i'm sure she'll have something for me to borrow. She's crazy rich, remember? She's got to have nearly everything that this planet has to offer since everyone thinks her dad beat Cell hehe."

"Maybe." I reply while scratching my cheek.

I wonder what it would've been like if I actually had told the world that it was my father, friends, and I who killed Cell? I bet they probably wouldn't believe us. Oh well, I never liked the idea of being super famous with paparazzi trying to invade my families privacy. In fact, I actually think it was a good thing Hercule stole my credit. He's way more photogenic than I am for sure anyways.

"So, you said you'll be back when?"

"I should be back in two days most likely in the morning or early afternoon." Tania answers as she lifted her humongous backpack off the ground. In a couple pockets, hair products stuck out while in the remaining ones, textbooks and folders did.

"It looks like you packed every object in the house in that thing." I comment.

"Actually." The girl blushes due to what looked like embarrassment. "Uh..."

"You can thank me for that." Mother appears from around the house with a brown laundry basket in hand. Inside, there were a variety of fancy clothes for women.

She handed the basket to Tania. "Here, I washed and dried these for you. These clothes will surely impress that rich friend of yours. If we're lucky, she'll be so in love with them, she will try to buy these from you for thousands or millions of zeni."

I fell over.

I should've known mom would pull off the same stunt on Tania like she did to me when I was a kid but isn't giving Tania her old fashion kimonos to get money a bit much?

"T-Thanks, ChiChi." Tania sweatdrops while forcing a smile on her face.

Just then, everything began to get extremely windy. In the sky, a yellow aircraft was beginning to make its descent in the front yard. In the pilot seat was Videl.

"Is that really Videl flying that thing?!" I stood up while using my arm to partially cover my eyes from the intense wind.

Tania turned around and gulped. "I thought I told her that I would be getting to her place on my own."

"Well, seems to me that she didn't agree to your way of transportation." I say back.

After all was settled, the front window opened and the daughter of Hercule hopped out of it, resting her fists on each side of her hips. She had that usual scowl on her face.

Lost Memories... Gohan's Forgotten True Love (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt